"Seriously? Is that the best you got?" She doesn't answer me and leaves the room. Daisy then says ,"Sorry about her. I will see you later I got to start on the food otherwise Mr Listesso won't be happy." I smile as she walks out of the room passing Hunter which for some reason is still standing in the doorway. Alyson walks out as well. Throwing me a huge smile as she walked pass Hunter.

I shake my head at her. Hunter then says ,"Sorry about her. I really liked your comeback though." Now he is the same guy back on the plane. I nod and say ,"No it's fine. I am use to it. We have known each since our toddler years. I can handle it. She didn't like me then as she doesn't like me now. It's pretty much te same as back then."

"Hunter, babe. Come here!" Stephanie yells from down the hall. He then whispers to me ,"You got my number." He then shouts back ,"I am coming babe." He then walks in the direction of Stephanie's room. I then mumble to myself ,"Yeah right. I would've talked to you back on the plane when I thought you were single. Now I am just gonna be the side chick." I guess he heard me cause he quickly leans back into my room and says ,"You and me, friends. How hard could it be?"

I shrug and say ,"With Stephanie you never know." He smirks and walks down the hall to Stephanie's room.

I sit on my bed just admiring my room. It looks just like my old one back in Dallas. Not the foster one, my real, own, former room.

Next to the door I see my old schoolbag. I walk to it. Kneel down look inside of it and see it has been replaced with the new books that I need. I look up, on my desk lays papers. I stand up. Pick them up and notice it is my schedule, a map of the school and my locker number with it's combination. Usually the students choose it but the one Daisy picked for me is absolutely perfect.

I put the papers back down on my desk and go sit on my bed. I lean back and lay on my bed. Staring at the ceiling above me with the wind blowing in through the window. I stand up and walk to the window. Just staring out of the window admiring the view.

I look down at the driveway because I hear arguing...

"Really babe she just got here! How could she possibly get between us?"

"It has happened before!"


He gets in his car and drives off.

Stephanie just storms into the house. I have a feeling she is gonna take it out on me.

I turn around to walk to my bed but Stephanie stops me and says as she walks into my room ,"I have heard that little miss orphan had a little chat with my boyfriend on the plane."

I nod and say ,"He was actually quite nice. What'd you do to him?" She then says ,"I did nothing. He is himself around me." I shake my head and say ,"Nope he is not. When he is with you he is rude and DOESN'T smile at all."

"It's true," Alyson says from behind us. Stephanie rolls her eyes at her and says ,"Stay out of this Alyson. It has nothing to do with you." Alyson then says ,"And even less to do with Leah."

I throw my hands up in the air and say ,"Thank you, Alyson. I have done nothing wrong, Stephanie. It wasn't my fault I had to come to LA. It wasn't my fault that Hunter was in the same flight as me or sat next to me. It wasn't my fucking fault that my parents died, okay! Now would you please not tell me what to do and what not to do with Hunter. I will leave him alone as long as you just leave me alone." I start to cry and say ,"Please get out of my room."

Her facial expression has turned apologetic. She turns around and walks out. Alyson already left the room. I close the door behind Stephanie and go and lay on my bed.

I just cry my eyes out. I don't know how long I have been crying but just as I am busy calming down my door slowly opens.

I sit up and wipe my tears off. Daisy walks in with a plate food in her hand. I then say ,"I am so sorry I wasn't at the table. It won't happen again."

She sits on my bed in front of me and puts the plate of delicious looking lasagne in front of me and says ,"Don't apologize. You are still going through a hard time and we forgive you for that. All I need you to do now is eat." I nod and say ,"Okay, I will. Thank you for the food, Daisy. It looks delicious. I will wash the dish when I am done eating."

She kisses me on the forehead and says ,"Okay, sweetie. I hope you feel better. See you tomorrow." She walks out of the room and closes the door behind her.

Tomorrow... the start of a new school year. My last school year. Thank God!

I start to eat my food and before I know it I am finished with the food. It was delicious.

I decide to take a shower first. I shower as long as I want to, to freshen up and get rid of all signs of crying and sadness. I feel cleansed, clean and refreshed now. I walk to my room and close the door behind me. By the time I was finished in the shower everyone had gone to bed. I dress in comfy PJs and before I go to bed I decide to unpack all my clothes and put them into my cabinet. After I was finished there I notice my plate still on my bedside table. I take my plate and go downstairs and put it in the dishwasher. To tired to wash it. I walk back up to my room and close the door when I enter my room. I take my phone charger and plug it into the plug next to my bed between my bed and bedside table.

I plug my phone in and just sit on my bed with my phone in my hand. I go into contacts and to Hunter's name. Staring at it for a few minutes I contemplated that I would keep his number on my phone.

I put my phone down on my bedside table after I exited my contacts and setted a alarm for six o'clock tomorrow morning.

I instantly fall asleep. Finally feeling relaxed and ready to go to bed.

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