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There you are
Right in front of me
I reach towards your hand
Just as I'm sure that I've got you in my grip

You drift away
I hear you whisper

Take my hand

I turn around to see your face as bright as the heavens
And a smile as warm as a thousand suns
Your hand is outstretched once more and I'm hesitant

Could this be a trap?

A moment passed
Throwing caution to the wind,
I make another attempt at reaching out to you
You vanish into thin air

I look to the sky
There isn't much there that belongs to me
Only my hope which you took with you
Higher and higher each time
Until it surpassed the stars

Now gravity must be obeyed
Everything that goes up, must fall back to the ground
I run towards it with both hands outstretched
I lost sight of it for a moment
Thinking it would have somehow floated back to the stars


It fell right through my hands
Shattering to pieces
Now only the reflection is left
Tiny pieces on the floor
Through which I see the rain falling down

I feel it on my face, but only my face
By now I realize that the rain fell from my eyes

My heart went with my hope
Shattering likewise
If only I could find the pieces
I'd put them back together

I've grown tired of this puzzle
Every damn time
You'd think I'd have learned by now

Well now I've lost my heart
No one is at fault but me
I allowed the pieces to scatter and be swept away
If you find it, please don't return it

It's yours to keep

I hope you put it to some good use
I never did
And now it's too late for me

Everything I've hoped for
Everything I've wished for
Everything that was in the palm of my hand
Has become unattainable

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