The perfect family

Start bij het begin

    “Hi” said the girl, feeling a little down.

   “Would you like a family, Abby?” asked the man

   “I would, love one.” Abby says. “Nobody would want me. My parents sure didn’t.”

    “We would want you.” the couple says, almost in unison.
The man's hand outstretched. Abby put her hand in his and walked to the adoption

   Abby and her new parents walked happily out of the adoption center and out to the
common room where Rose was waiting for them with a bag.

   “I packed your things for you.” said Rose, with a tear in her eye.
Abby ran up to her best friend and gave her the biggest hug she had ever given.

    “I promise I will visit you every day, I will live just down the street.” says Abby.

    “Here, I want you to have this.” Rose pulls out a necklace with a silver rose on it.

“My parents gave it to me before they died.”

“I love you.” Abby replies.

“I love you too.”

    The family arrived at the house within minutes. Abby carried her one bag, with
everything she owns, inside.
Abby found her new parents seemed nice. She didn’t think about that anymore because she was so overwhelmed by everything. The new house impressed her by its size,
but that could also be because she is so small.

    “Do you like the house, Abby?” Peter, her new father, asks.

    “It's so, big. I might get lost.” Abby joked.. So off they went, into the new house. Abby notices that it was, barren. There were
way to many rooms for the small family to use, and almost all of them were compleatly

   “Lets go up to your room!” Charlie said cheerfully, obviosly exited.

   The two raced up a flight of stairs to a room with a red door. Slowly it creaked as the
hinges rubbed against each other. How could a door be so loud?

   Now Abby could see to the other side. There was a huge, bright purple bed, pink
walls, and light blue drapes that matched her dress. It was the most beautiful thing she had
ever seen.

   “Is this really my room? I have never had somthing this big all to myself!” Abby was
so exited, nothing like this had ever happened to her, and nothing this big would ever
happen again.

    Months passed. Abby has become more aquainted with her new parents, as now she was calling them mom and dad. And as the time passed, so did Rose, a week ago she caught
pnuemonia and the orphanage couldn’t afford a doctor to treat her, so she lived with the
sickness untill her death.

    However Abby hardly noticed, she had met a new friend. The only problem was her parents didn’t know he existed. Charlie was downstairs, chopping vegtables, and listening to Abby play.

    “Come on Sabastian, play with me!!” Abby says.

    “Lets have fun, somwhere else.” a compleatly new voice replied. This voice was, low,
and scratchy. It was obvious that the person that the voice was coming from wasnt a child.
A healthy one anyway.

    “Abby? Who are you talking to?“ no answer. Charlie leaves the kitchen to look for Abby. she walks into the living area just
outside of the kitchen..

    “Abby?” the child is nowhere to be found “Oh, I see, you want to play hide and seek.” She turns to face the couch. Charlie gets onto it and looks behind it. No Abby. the woman then looks several other places including: the closet, under the stairs, various
empty rooms, and the library.

She disappeared.

    “Abby? Come on out now, game over!” Charlie called out into the seemingly empty house. She was nowhere to be found, mabey she had just imagined the little girl. So she walked back into the kitchen to chop vegitables, thats weird, the knife is missing.

“Just do it like this!” Sabastian told Abby, while juggleing knives in the air.
“I dont think i can do that, I’ve never juggled before.” says Abby, impressed by the
flying cutlary.
“Sure you can! It’s easy, you just throw them into the air, nothing bad will happen,
trust me.” Abby took the knives out of the tall, grey creatures hands. All at once she threw
the knives up into the air. She watched as the knives all stuck into the floor, one only
millimeters away from her bare foot.
“You lied to me!” Abby screamed,
“I almost got hurt! I dont want to play with you
anymore!” She ran out of the room crying. “Mommy! Daddy! Where are you!?.” Abby stood
still. She could feel somthing sinister was in that hallway with her. Suddenly all of the lights
went out at once, and coldness flowed in the air around her, so she ran.

    Abby could hear the loud footsteps following her. She needed to escape and fast, so
Abby ran down the flight of stairs, tripping to the point that she fell down them tward the
end. Then the girl turned to the hallway that lead to the basement. She ran down so she
could hide.

   Once Abby got down to the cement floors, she hid behind a groop of boxes. She waited for what seemed like hours. The sound of crashing flooded the room from upstairs.
Suddenly the light flickered on. Sabastian stood at the top of the stairwell. He knew Abby
was down there. Abby looked directly in front of her and saw somthing she could not see in the dark.

    Somthing so terrible that she almost screamed out in horror. It was her parents. Thier libs
were so mangled you could hardly recognise them. They sat in a pool of blood and twitched, they were on the verge of death.

   Suddenly the door slammed closed, Abby could here the lock turn. She was locked in
here, and she would be forced to watch the only people who ever loved her suffer painfully
untill death.

   Abby knew it all along, she would never, truly get the storybook ending she allways
dreamed of...

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