
4 : 17 pm

Oh I have a surprise! Remember shizumiya? That girl in the girls team- she said she saw you in the Cloverfield hospital when she broke her ankle! So guess whose comming to see you~


4 : 32 pm

Well I'm here so there's no turning back now, and I kinda need to tell you something. ..


4 : 48 pm


" hi how may I help you? "  the lady asked at the counter. She looked kinda like me but older, and a girl.

" hello, what room in Kageyama Tobio in? " I asked politly, but the lady gave me a harsh look before tapping something into her computer.

" I'm sorry but Kageyama is a strictly authorised family visits at certain times only. I can't let you go in while he's in his current state. " she said a venomis look in her eyes.

" um, but I'm in bestfriend! And I spoke to him just yesterday! Why can't I go in now? Just for a little bit I promise!" I said to her my hands on the counter. She continued to stare at me.

" look kid, I know who you are. When Kageyama walks around the hospital me and him talk. He does keep mentioning a boy with orange hair that he keeps remembering- but I am not allowed to let you in now! If you come back in a few hours you can go in with his mother- but not now. "  she said her eyes turning softer.

" remember me? It's only been a few weeks and he's forgotten me?! That douche..I'll get him back for this later. By a few hours how long?"

" 4 hours. "

I choked.

" 4?! Come on please let me in I need to tell him I lik- " I slapped an arm around me mouth as the lady also looked at me wild eyed.

" um listen...-"

" hinata. "

" listen Hinata...do you think this is the right time to tell him that? " she asked, dead serious. But her look, she looked like she knew I liked him.

I gulped and I could feel my confidence drop. "What do you mean?"

" with how he is now, what if he doesn't remember? " she asked. I was angry now.

" why does everyone keep asking me this?! If he doesn't remember, what if he forgets?? What does this have to do with Kageyama-"

" ok hold on, I thought you were his befriend and you two spoke yesterday?! Why are you speaking like you have no idea whats happening to Kageyama?! " she said also growing angry.

A few people started to look up from the waiting room, even some of the staff- so I lowered my voice.

" Thats because- I. Don't. Know. No one's telling me?! What's wrong with him miss?! What is it?! " she had a sad frown on her face and she was about to say something when a piercing scream filled the ground floor.

Followed by more and more and more of painful screams.

I was about to break down sobbing at what I heard next.


The lady said something but I didn't wait to listen, I sprinted towards the screams and shouting pushing last people, skidding on the cold floor.

"EXCUSE ME! BOY YOU CAN'T GO THERE! SOMEONE STOP HIM!" A heard a man shout, and it was definitely aimed at me. But I didn't stop.

I didn't notice it when I was running but I screaming at the top of my voice.

"KAGEYAMA! KAGEYAMA IT'S ME HINA-" Suddenly I felt a strong grip pull me back and I jerked forward. I looked behind me to see a man holding me back shouting Something but all i could hear was mournful screams ringing in my head.

I tried to break from the grip of the man but then someone else came infront of me pushing me away from the door. I kicked amd punched anything and everything but I couldn't get any closer to Kageyama. So I shouted as loud as I could.



Hinata POV? Hehe.

I'm pretty sure this chapter is absolute trash because it makes no sense. Is there anything you don't understand that I should change?

Other than that tysm for the lovely comments and votes!


(All you fabulous people seem to love angst so here you go-)


Amnesia → KageHina | Amnesiac!Kageyama x HinataWhere stories live. Discover now