"Off-topic." Jim said.

"Oh! Sorry!" Richard blushed.

"Let's just try to stay on topic." Jim smiled.

Dick smiled back.

"So, I snuck out of the bed. I went to Alfred and told him I was taking one of the cars and told him which bar I was going to. It was this really good bar three blocks from the docks. Good booze, good company, and amazing strippers!" Richard gave a goofy smirk.

"Richard!" Addad scolded. 

"Not like that! I mean well, yeah, kind of like that. What I meant was that they are good at stripping, but they are also really nice and when you get to know them you realize what hard time some of them are going through. I mean most of them are good girls, never touched drugs, some trying to go to college or just to pay for their children." Dick said.

"Off-topic." Gordon said.

"Sorry. Anyways, they're nice to talk to. Cindi, one of the girls who work there, was working that night. So, I went over and talked to her a bit before going to the bar and getting a seat. There I ordered a beer because I can't do hard alcohol like Tequila or Rum. One sip and I'm like 'Whoa!'" Richard said.

Addad snorted, having seen Richard in a more than 'Whoa!' state.

"So I found a seat and had a beer. I was looking at the decorations on the wall when some guy comes and sits right beside me. I'm all like, 'There's a thousand other seats in here, most of them empty, and you sit next to me. Why not a chair over?' But of course, I didn't say that, 'cause that's rude." Dick said.

Gordon and Addad smiled.

"So we started to talk. I don't know how but it got from knowing each other to guns." Richard said.

Bullock leaned in, trying to get any suspicious info from Richard.

"I told him that I knew a bit about guns and he asked me if I was an enthusiast. I told him no, that I work with a lot of guns in my occupation. He asked me what I did. I told him that I was a cop. He got nervous when I said that." Richard slowed down, bottom lip starting to shake a bit.

"It was my fault! I should have been more worried about his reaction! But I was too busy talking. I mean you get a lot of reactions from telling someone you're a cop! I've seen it all. But he was a different kind of suspicious. I should have paid more attention!" Dick beat himself up.

"Hey, you were off duty and drinking. You missed something. It happens." Addad said, trying to comfort Richard.

"I should have been more suspicious of him though! His reaction was so different from others. Maybe if I noticed, the guy would still be alive." Dick frowned.

"Wait. You were talking to the victim?" Bullock asked.

"No. I was talking to the murderer. I've never seen the victim before! He wasn't at that bar. But then again, there was a lot of people in there." Richard said.

"So you were talking to the murderer?" Bullock questioned, trying to get all the facts.

"Yes. He was defiantly the murderer." Dick nodded.

"What did he look like?" Gordon asked.

"Well, he was 6 foot, 7 inches. He was Caucasian. He was wearing blue jeans, a dark green polo shirt, and black and red sneakers. He also had a black tattoo on his right upper arm. It was poking out from his right sleeve. It was a woman's face with designs around it. But the designs made a heart around her. Her name was on it. I can't remember what exactly it was, but it started with a 'C'." Richard said.

"Okay. That's a start at least." Gordon said, writing down the details.

"He told me his name, but I can't remember it all. All I remember is his initials. B. D." Dick said.

"B.D?" Bullock questioned.

"Yeah. B is his first name, D is his second. He didn't tell me his middle name." Richard said.

Gordon wrote that down. 

"Well, if you remember any names, say something." Addad said.

Dick nodded.

"I do remember that he said something about picking a bone with someone. And something about his late wife. Affair is a word that comes to mind." Richard said.

"So, this man might have been having an affair with the wife. That's motive." Bullock said.

"What happened at the bar? How did you get to the murder scene?" Addad asked.

"Well, we were talking and he said something about needing to go. I agreed but I didn't have my keys 'cause I gave them to the bartender 'cause it's irresponsible to drive drunk. I took out my phone and called Alfred. Or at least that's who I wanted to call. I was a tad bit tipsy." Dick blushed.

"Okay." Gordon nodded, glad Richard was being responsible while drinking.

"Well, I guess I got bored of being in the bar. 'Cause the next thing I remember was walking. All I know is that I had an urge to skip rocks. And you can find some rocks by the docks and try to skip them on the water. That's why I went to the docks." Richard said.

"You called someone and then left the bar to go skip rocks on the docks?" Bullock asked.

"I was tipsy." Dick said in his defense. 

"Anyways, I was trying to skip rocks, but failing miserably, when I heard a gunshot. I looked to where I heard it and saw quite a ways down the docks that someone was falling and another someone was walking away." Richard said.

"Why would they walk away?" Bullock asked, skeptical. 

"I don't know. But when I ran to the guy that fell, the victim, he was still alive. I tried to stop the bleeding, but it was too much. I tried to save him, really I did! But I couldn't. I failed." Dick looked down at his lap, about to cry.

"Hey, don't do that. Don't cry. You tried to save him. You tried your best, Dickie. That's what matters." Addad said, coming over and pulling up Richard's chin so that he was looking Addad straight in the eyes.

"But he's dead! I couldn't save him! It's my fault! I should have been suspicious of the guy and then after I wasn't, I couldn't even save the other guy!" Richard cried.

"You can't save everybody, Richard." Gordon said.

Richard sniffled. 

"What you can do is help us catch the murderer." Gordon said.

Dick looked at him a moment before nodding.

"Good. Now, what happened?" Gordon asked.

"I tried to save him. I tried CPR, mouth-to-mouth, anything! That's why I'm covered in blood. But he told me his last words. It was a request really. 'Tell him I'm sorry.'" Richard said.

"We'll get this son-of-a-bitch!" Bullock said fiercely. 

Dick nodded.


7/16/17- Edited some spelling mistakes!

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