
410 27 13

WARNING: Language, Stripping (mentioning), Alcohol, Murder, Gore

Richard hadn't heard anything since Jim told him that they were waiting for Addad.

Dick sighed, getting terribly bored of sitting there. 

Suddenly, the door opened.

In walked Commissioner Gordon, Detective Bullock, and Chief Addad.

Chief Addad didn't say anything, just walked to lean again the corners of the room.

Meanwhile, Gordon and Bullock walked over to the table.

Jim pulled out a seat and sat down, putting his crossed arms on the table.

Bullock just stood by Jim.

"Richard, look, I know you would never do something like this. But you were at the scene of the crime. You're covered in his blood. I have to assume the worst." Jim said.

"I didn't kill that man though." Richard said.

"Look kid, I don't care if you have a rich daddy or not. If you murdered this guy, we're ganna get you!" Bullock growled.

"Bullock!" Gordon glared at him.

"Let's get to the bottom of this. Start from the beginning." Gordon said. 

 Richard nodded and cleared his throat.

"Well, last night, I got home from work. And that day was a bit hard. We had several homicides and a suicide. So, I thought since I was off and I had the weekend off, I would go and have a drink." Richard started.

"This doesn't explain how you were in Gotham. Or how you got to the scene." Bullock said.

"I'm getting there!" Dick said, frowning at Bullock.

He glared at Bullock for a moment before continuing. 

"Anyways. I was planning on having a drink, but then I got a call from Damian." Richard said.

"Who's Damian?" Bullock asked.

"His younger brother." Gordon and Addad said at the same time.

"Damian called me. He recently started going to public school and the transition has been a bit tough. He called me asking if I could come over to the Manor. So I did, hence why I was in Gotham." Dick said.

"Okay. How does any of this relate to the murder?" Bullock asked. 

"Getting there." Richard said with some annoyance.

"So I come over. And Dami and I decide to have a cuddle. You know, we got the blankets and ice cream and pillows and popped in a movie. You know, the whole sha-bang." Dick said.

"Well, I think we spent like...2 hours cuddling? I don't know. We were cuddling until dinner was done. When dinner was done, we went down and joined the rest of the family. Alfred made this amazing roast with glazed potatoes and carrots. Uh. It was so good!" Richard smiled.

Gordon laughed, "Getting off-topic, kiddo."

"Oh! Sorry!" Dick laughed, blushing.

"Anyways, we had dinner. Afterwords, we all went and did our own things. Tim, with his computer, Steph with Cass, Bruce with Alfred, and Damian and I went back to cuddling. Well, I stayed there until Damian fell asleep, like 3 hours later." Richard said.

Everyone listened intensely. 

"I slipped out of the bed but made sure Dami was covered in lots of blankets. He gets cold a bit easily. I also made sure his feet were covered real well, he will wake up if his feet aren't covered. It drives him crazy. He hates it when everywhere else is covered but his feet aren't." Dick said.

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