Her tongue ran mindlessly over her lips as her mind thought back to the moment she was last kissed by someone. Someone who's been lingering in her mind for too long it's turning annoying. Annoying because her mind, isn't a place where Taeyeon belongs. The girl belongs right here, in her reality in front of her alive and breathing and not just a mere imagination, a fading memory.

Don't you miss me too? Don't you want to see me too?

Her eyebrows furrowed like she tasted something sour. Her mind took a trip down memory lane as she replayed moments she'd spent with Taeyeon like it was a clipped scene taken from a movie. A movie of her life.

"Let's go." Her tone was mellow and disappointed at the fact that nothing new happened today.

The car moved forward a second after slight delay and they made their way across the street lights of Seoul as she headed home.

"Tiffany! Where were you? Didn't you know we'll be having an event tonight?" Her mom rushed to her as soon as she stepped foot into her house, with a white dress hugging her body, her ears and neck embellished by sapphires and shiny white pearls.

"What?" Tiffany questioned as she sighed loudly. She was absolutely drained and she didn't remember her mom mentioning anything about this.

"Can I be absent? I am exhausted." She emphasized on her last word and threw her purse at the sofa. Her heels clicked on the golden marble floor as she made way to collapse on the sofa as well.

"No, honey. This dinner is mandatory, because it's with someone important."

"Who? And is my-"

"Your father will be coming too! We're having dinner with the Kims!" Her mother clapped her hands excitedly and Tiffany bolt from her lethargic position.

"WHAT?!" She screamed and her mom recoiled.

"Who?!" Tiffany managed to lower down her voice a little bit although her heart beat erratically at the mentioning of the Kims.

"Yes! Your father invited them for a friendly dinner at one of our hotels-"

"Mom, wait, you mean the Kims, as in the Kims?!"

"Yes, your dad and Mr. Kim worked things out and decided to have dinner since they've just came from France a week ago. And yes, before you throw another question, Kim Taeyeon will be there so go up and get ready, honey." Her mom's eyes sparkled as she flashed a knowing smile.

Dad, and Mr. Kim, working things out, WHAT? They've just came from France? No wonder Taeyeon didn't come for her but then, she did have a week.

Without a retaliation, Tiffany stood up and walked/sprinted up to her room. She tried her best to walk, and not run since she didn't want to come off as desperate in front of her mom. However, she kind of failed as her mother witnessed her fast-walk to her room.

Tiffany eyed herself in the mirror again and tried to search for things to criticize about the black dress she had on. Her hands went up to straighten the diamond necklace she wore and tapped her perfectly tied bun. She wanted to look her best because she was going to meet Taeyeon and she wanted to impress her.

Thinking of meeting the certain Kim again, her stomach flipped and butterflies came to life. She didn't know she would be nervous. And she certainly didn't expect her to be a thousand times more nervous as she stayed in an elevator waiting for it to reach the highest floor, the 55th.

Her back was gaining sweat and the butterflies in her stomach didn't feel like there were just butterflies. It was more like the whole zoo compressed into the tiny confinements of her stomach all struggling to break free.

Her body was experiencing exhilaration and anxiety at the same time and the two mixed together, well she wanted to just jump of a building.

"Relax baby. Are you okay? You look sick." Her mother said in worry as she placed a hand on Tiffany's shoulder. Tiffany forced out a strained smile as she brought her hand up to cover her mom's.

Her heart seemed to calm down a bit.


Her heart sky-rocketed like crazy again. The door of the elevator slid open and she walked out, almost tripping on the red carpet in her tall black heels. Her family entered a large room with a table set at the middle of the room and a transparent glass makes up one third of the room's wall showing a great view of Seoul. There was a bar at one side of the room with a various showcase of fine wine. She took a seat and attempted to calm her heart. There was nothing to be scared about. Taeyeon wasn't here, yet.

The door opened and her head snapped to it to only see one of her dad's employee. She kind of hoped it was Taeyeon. After waiting for a few minutes, with her eyes following the hand movements of her watch, the door opened, revealing Mr. Kim and Mrs. Kim. Tiffany stood up in alarm and respect but her eyes was stuck to the ajar door, waiting, anticipating for another person. However, the door was pulled shut and her heart dropped.

"I'm sorry we're kind of late. Traffic was very bad." Mr. Kim said as he shook her dad's hand. Mrs. Kim hugged her mom then her, as well as patting her cheek lightly.

"It's alright! Here take a seat." Her father laughed heartily and they all sat down. Tiffany stared down at her plate, a frown marring her beautiful face.

"Tiffany! How are you?" Mr. Kim asked and she raised her head to shoot a smile.

"I'm doing great, thank you."

She wanted to ask where their daughter was but she didn't dare. Thankfully, her mom did.

"So, where's Taeyeon? How is she?"

"Oh, she's on her way-"

Mrs. Kim's statement was paused when the door flung open and in came a girl with a scarf wrapped around her neck, and her cheeks rosy, and underdressed for the dinner.

Tiffany's heart skipped beats as her fists clenched. She didn't know how to react, all she knew was her heart, her heart was beating so fast it will die out soon. Tiffany's eyes swept over Taeyeon and the first thing she notice was Taeyeon's shoulder-length blond hair. She'd dyed and cut it over the past two months. That sight made Tiffany feel things. She took in Taeyeon's thick sweater and boots, and finally the crutch that was by Taeyeon's side. Her heart dropped.

She saw how the girl's eyes widened as if she figured she wasn't dressed properly.

"I'm sorry I'm late, and I'm underdressed, should I go change?" Her voice didn't change at all, still sounds the same as the voice that mocked her months ago. Taeyeon's eyes flicked from her parents to Tiffany's parents then finally to her, lingering at hers, the girl's eyes glistening with mirth. Tiffany gave out a huge smile, this time one that reached her eyes and Taeyeon beamed one right back.

"It's alright Taeyeon, we're glad you made it." Her dad said and a waiter helped her get to her seat, which was right in front of Tiffany's. Taeyeon's orbs never abandoned Tiffany and when she sat down, her hair all wild, her eyes bright and clear, she gave a huge smile at Tiffany for the second time. Under the table, Tiffany felt Taeyeon nudge her gently.

"Hi." They both said at the same time.


It was true, nobody really knew about the blood feud between the two families, and it was a huge shock for everyone when the two families were spotted together playing golf. Nobody knew the real reason of how it started, but everyone knew the real reason of how it ended. Everything was confirmed when the 'Seoul's Times' Korea's most famous newspaper wrote about the engagement of Kim Taeyeon and Hwang Miyoung.

Who would've thought something that was always there since generations would be ended by two young ladies? Say it was fate, say it was destiny, say it was whatever you want. In the end, it seemed like hatred wasn't coded into their genes after all for, the two women found love in the most hopeless place, in the woodland.

Woodland | Taeny ✅जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें