You pestered?

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Pairing: ZaneXLloyd
Description: If you haven't read homestuck you might not understand so ill tell you. This is in the form of a pester log. It's like a little online chat room. So people can talk in private. And these two really needed that right about now. Also, credit for the screen names go to prpldragon, Woodswolf, and zats- Moopy.

sugarySpinjitsu [SS] began pestering
falconFrost [FF] at 3:03

SS: hey Zane.
FF: Hello, Lloyd.
SS: sooooo how are you? dont really see you guys anymore.
FF: Ah yes. That is probably because you are out receiving awards for an accomplishment you only took a part in for 3.68 minutes. And to answer you're question, we are all doing well.
SS: ...
SS: wow Zane, rude. who turned on your nasty switch?
FF: I apologize, but I do not acquire a 'nasty switch'.
SS: I know Zane, it's a metaphor.
FF: Well that is fine then. How are you?
SS: fine... can I ask you something?
FF: Of course.
SS: probably not a good to but, when I get back, do you think we could, you know... go do something?
FF: Like?
SS:i don't know. see a movie, go for a walk, get something to eat...
SS: something like that.
FF: So basically, what you call a 'date'?
SS: yeah...
FF: I see no reason to decline your offer.
FF: I assume you will want me not to tell anyone?
SS: please don't!
SS: if anyone finds out i'll never hear the end of it!
FF: Very well then.
SS: Zane i
SS: shoot no
FF: Is everything alright Lloyd?
SS: Zane i love you.
FF: Lloyd, are you sure?
FF: I always thought you showed more attraction towards the others.
SS: i'm sure Zane. like really sure.
FF: Lloyd, I will have to leave now, but I look forward to your return.
SS: oh...
SS: ok.
SS: bye Zane...
FF: Goodbye Lloyd.
falconFrost [FF] disconnected
SS: I seriously love you though.
SS: and now you won't see this so,
SS: my lord you're adorable.
SS: like seriously wow I just want to hug you.
SS: but I can't.
SS: i will force my way home if I need too. I just want to see you again.
SS: and I know you don't really feel the same way.
SS: but too bad ok? i'm going to love you so get used to it bucko.
SS: ok.
SS:i'm done talking to myself now.
SS:bye to nobody.
SS: I guess...
sugarySpinjitsu [SS] disconnected

(( I'm sorry but this ship is crazy hard to write about. I try though. And thanks for the patience. I really have been stressed out lately and I'm glad to be back :)

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