•Chapter Two•

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A sudden gust of warm wind blew across my sleeping face and woke me. I blinked away my tiredness and studied my surroundings. I looked up to see Anthony. A cigarette hung out of the side of his mouth, puffs of smoke leaking out of it and joining the outside air. His hair was blowing gently in the wind and the sun danced on the nice pieces of his face. His golden eyes sparkled delicately in the sun, mimicking the color of a lions fur. He drove steadily, focused on the road and his tobacco stick.

"Morning." His voice had somewhat startled me, although I was looking directly at him.

I worked up the energy to sit up and prop up my seat. "How long was I sleeping?" I brushed my hair out of my face.

He tapped the steering wheel with his fingers. "Well I've been driving for about an hour now. And it's almost 8 o'clock." He took the cigarette out of his mouth and blew it out the window, sending clouds whirling through the wind.

"Damn." I finally took my eyes off him.

It decided it was about time to look at my phone, to see if anyone had actually decided to call me.

One missed call.

That wasn't bad.

She will call more later when I don't reply and she finds out more of my stuff is gone.

I sighed.

"What?" Anthony took his steady gaze off the road to look at me.

I met his gaze and replied, "nothing I was just sighing."

"Usually sighing means you're thinking deep." He looked back at the empty road.

"Hm." I rested my arm on the window frame and looked at the rolling hills of the beautiful country.

"We are in Nevada by the way. Crossed in about 30 mins ago." Anthony explained to me.

"Good." I set my feet on the dash.

Anthony immediately noticed. He looked over to glare at me. "Hey, hey, that's not gonna fly. Put your feet down."

I swiveled my head towards him. "Why?"

"Because I said so." His eyes were wide and filled with annoyance.

I smirked. "Make me." I folded one leg on top of the other then smiled widely at him.

He exhaled. Then looked over, looked at the road, back at my legs, then back at the road. "I can't." He said quietly.

"Why not?" I crossed my arms proudly.

He stared ahead and mumbled, "I can't touch you."

I looked at my feet then uncrossed them and set them back on the floor. "Sorry."

"No its okay, it isn't a big deal." He but his lip, looking as if he was thinking.

I continued to stare at him. I waited for a few minutes and I finally spoke, "what do you even do for a living?"

I saw his muscles tighten then relax. "I lost my job and now I just drive around exploring." His words sounded empty.

I lowered my eyelids. "Then how do you have so much money?" I pressed.



"My dad, he died and had a shit ton of money and I was the only child and my mom never was apart of my life." He began to tap his fingers on the steering wheel.

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