The Life Changing Mission: An Alternate Universe

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The team split up into two groups: Laxus and Freed, and Bickslow and Evergreen. They searched every dark alley and abandoned building, but found no sign of Vikki. What they did not expect was for this evil and feared wizard to be out in plain sight.

After reuniting, the team decided to relax a bit at the local bar before searching some more. And that's then they encountered Vikki.

Walking into the bar, the Fairy Tail mages spotted the female instantly. It's not like she was hiding; she was sitting at the bar, facing the entrance with one leg crossed over the other.

It's like she knew that they were coming.

"You're the wizards that the mayor hired to take me out, aren't you?" She asked, already knowing the answer.

"I take it you're Vikki?" Laxus raised an eyebrow, folding his arms over his chest. "You're pretty confident. Enjoying yourself in plain sight."

"Please," Vikki scoffed, "everyone's too scared of me to do anything. I practically own this town."

"We aren't scared of you." Laxus stated.

"You aren't the first wizards that the mayor has hired to defeat me and you won't be the last. Many more will come and they'll all end up the same: trapped in a curse."

"It would be wise not to underestimate Fairy Tail wizards." Freed spoke up.

"Doesn't matter what guild you come from, you're all humans with emotions."

"But why are you doing this?" Evergreen asked, "Why trap innocent people in a curse?"

"That's for me to know and you not to." Vikki said bitterly, "Mind your business, four-eyes."

"What got her underwear twisted in a knot?" Bickslow mumbled.

"Look," Laxus glared at Vikki, clearly annoyed. "I don't what happened to you to make you like this, but why don't we get this over with. I'd like to finish this as soon as possible, so I can get back home. So, you can either surrender or I'll drag you to the mayor by force."

"I don't like your attitude, blondy." Vikki growled, standing up from her seat. The Thunder Legion got into defensive, battle stances. "You don't know who you're dealing with."

"I think I know exactly who I'm dealing with."

"Is that so?" Vikki cocked her head to the side, a devilish smirk on her face. "We'll see about that." She held up her right hand and a violet magic circle appeared as her eyes also glowed violet. "Let's see how long you last in this curse."

"Laxus." Freed warned.

"On it." Laxus replied, lightning sparking around him as he prepared to attack. He moved to lunge at his opponent, but it was too late.

"I curse you to live out your worst nightmare." Vikki smirked as she casted her curse upon Laxus. A flash of bright light covered the bar, making onlookers and the Fairy Tail mages cover and squint their eyes. Once the light was gone, Laxus and the Thunder Legion found themselves in an unfamiliar location.

"Where the heck are we?" Bickslow asked, looking around the building.

They were all in a room full of dozens of small desks and one large one at the front of the room.

"And what are we wearing!?" Evergreen exclaimed in horror.

The males looked down and noticed that they were wearing clothing that was more casual than they are used to wearing.

They weren't dressed like wizards who were ready for a fight at any moment, they were dressed like regular, nonmagical people.

A bell went off and other people started entering the room, people who were familiar to the team: Natsu, Gray, Erza, Lucy, Mirajane, Lisanna, Elfman, Cana, Levy, Gajeel, Jet, Droy, Juvia, Warren, Nab, and Kinana.

"What the-" Bickslow gasped, astonished just like his teammates. Where were they and what was going on?

Jasmine also entered the room, making a grin appear on Laxus' face. "Hey." He greeted with his charming smirk as she was walking in his direction.

"Hey." She greeted back, though the tone was not that inviting. Instead of hey how's it going, it was more like hey why is this guy talking to me. Laxus was confused as to why she was acting like this, but then her name was called.


The tanned skinned female whipped her head around at the voice. Laxus turned his head in that direction and saw Cobra poking his head into the room. Of course, the blond definitely did not like the maroon haired male's appearance, but Jasmine did not seem to mind.

She wore a small smile as she walked over to Cobra who was grinning. The two exchanged words before Cobra leaned forward and planted a quick kiss on Jasmine's lips.

Laxus' eyes practically popped out of his head. Why is he kissing her? He screamed in his head. A mixture of emotions flooded his body, the most prominent being sadness.

He was about to discover just exactly what his greatest nightmare is.

The Lightning Empress [Cobra/Erik x OFC x Laxus] DISCONTINUEDKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat