Chapter 1: The warm voice

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I do not own the names i use, all rights going to Tolkien.

''Wake up, Sarah, your father wants you to breakfast with him.'' The maid is knocking at the door. The sound goes trough the room. I try to open my eyes but Im to tired. ''What time is it?'' I asked tired. ''It is seven in the morning Miss.'' I sit upright. '' Yes, tell my dad I'll be there soon.'' I hear the maid walking away. I put my dress on and fix my messy hair. My name is Sarah. I'm 21 years old in humen years. I have black wavy hair and lightbrown eyes. Something I have since I was born is my scar. It is on my neck, on the left. My dad said I was born with it. I'm the daughter of Thranduil. But I don't really look like my father. I have dark hair and lightbrown eyes and my father is the opposite. But it bothers me not. I asked him once, why i don't look like him, he said: ''I have found you, but when you don't look like me, it doesn't mean you're not mine.'' Now I always keep that in mind.

I walk trough the great halls of Mirkwood. ''Hello Shayenne.'' I say to one of the maids. Shayenne is kind of my best friend. I walk into the dining room. My father is sitting on the head of the table with next to him: My brother, Legolas. He is a lot older than me. ''Hello Sarah.'' My father gives me a kiss on my cheek. ''Have you sleep well dear?'' He asked. ''It could be better.'' I say with a smile. I take some Lembas and ask the maid if I can have a cup of tea. '' Tauriel and I going to hunt in the woods this afternoon.'' Legolas said. I start laughing. ''What is funny?'' Legolas looked angry at me. ''Oh, nothing, it is not noticiable that you like her.'' I said. Legolas gets up. ''Sarah, you know I d-'' My father comes in between. ''Enough!'' Legolas sits down. ''Sarah, don't tease your brother, you know he doesn't like it.'' My father is looking at me with a serious look. ''Great. Now its my fault.'' I lean against the backrest of the chair. The maid comes in and put the cup of tea on the table. ''Thank you.'' I look away from my father and Legolas. ''Yes it is your fault, you have to stop teasing Legolas.'' My father said and he looked at me.

''Yes but-''

''No, stop doing it.''

I stand up and walked to the door. I hear my father sigh. ''Sarah.'' Calls my father. I don't pay attention and walk out of the dining room. I walk to my room and I put my dress off. I put some brown pants on and a shirt. I get my long coat and walk out of my room to the weapon room. I get my bow, arrow's and my sword. I walk to the gate. ''Where you think you're going Miss?'' One of the guard's asked. ''I'm just going to hunt. Tell my father I'm in the woods.'' I walk into the woods. Into Demsterwold.

After almost a hour of walking and hunting spiders down, I see footprints. I follow them. I hear voices. I come nearby. One voice I recognize. The voice sounds save and warm. I start thinking, but I can't remember who the voice belongs to. I come closer. I see, they are Dwarves! I hear cracking under my feet. Oh no, I stept on twigs. The dwarves didn't hear it, I hope. The dwarves talking trough each other. "Silent!" The dwarf with the warm voice said. "We being watched." I see lots of giant spiders upon me. They didn't see me. I run away from the dwarfs. I'm not afraid, I can handle one or two spiders, but now there were like twenty of them. Afther a few minutes I reach the gate of Mirkwood. "Ah, your father was worried." the guard said and he let me in. I walked to my fathers throne. "There you are, are you hurt?" I can hear to his voice that he is not really worried. "No, I'm fine, thanks." I said. And I walked to my room. I took my coat off and sit on the bed. Who was that voice? Why it sounds so warm? The door of my room opend. It was Legolas. "Go away." I said. "No, we found dwarves in the woods, come and look." And Legolas was gone. I put my coat back on and walked out of the room to the Throne Room. I heard my father talking to the warm voiced dwarf. I could not hear what they saying, but when I was standing next to my father and Legolas, the dwarf was silent. "Who are these dwarves, dad?" I asked. "Dad?!" The warm voiced dwarf said. They were now talking in a language I did not understand. "I don't forget what you've done!" The dwarf said. "Take them away." My father said, pointing at the guards. "No, wait, Sarah!" The dwarf yelled. I feel a shock going trough my spine. I lookt at my dad who was shocked to. "How does he know my name?" I asked. "Nevermind, now go to you room and clean yourself up." My father said. I walked to my room, closed the door and started to undress myself. I step in the warm bath and tried to relax. But i couldn't. I started thinking about the dwarf called my name. I stept out of the bath and put my pants on and a long dress/shirt.

Quietly I walked to the dungeons, where the dwarfs are locked up. "Look!" one of the dwarf said. He is pointing at me. All dwarf eyes were on me. I walked closer to the dwarves and look them one by one. "Who are you, and were do you come from?" I asked the oldest dwarf. "We are just dwarfs from the Blue Mountains." He said. "Hmm. Okay." I walked further. "Who called me?" I asked while I'm walking. I stopped in front of a blond dwarf. Every one was looking at me but no one answers my question. "Answer my question! Who called my name?!" I raised my voice. "That would be my uncle." The blond dwarf said. "And who is your uncle, may I ask?" Now al eyes are on the blond dwarf. "He is-" "Don't tell her, Fili!" The strong dwarf said. "Yes. Tell me. I wan't to know!" I said curious. "His name is Thorin, Thorin Oakenshield." He told me. "Where is he?" I asked to the dwarf named Fili. "He is with Thranduil." ''Thank you.'' I said blushing and I ran away.

I heard my father talking with Thorin. I sneaked up at then. Thorin looked my way. "Where are you looking at?" Thranduil said. I appear. "Sarah, why are you here?" I ignored my father and walked to Thorin. "You, why do you know my name?" I asked him. Thorin didn't know what to say. My dad pulled me back by my arm and walked to Thorin. I didn't know what they said but Thorin was carried away to the dungeons. I looked at my father. Who walked past me without saying anything.

I followed the guards. "Did he do you an offer?" One of the dwarfs said. "Yes but is said could go-" The dwarf began to speak in a language that I don't understand. "Well then. that was our only chance." The old dwarf sits on the stone cough. I looked away. "But then Sarah came in and asked why I know her name." Thorin said. All the dwarves where looking at him including me . "And what did you say?" Fili asked. "Nothing." Thorin said with a sad tone. "Nothing?!" The old dwarf yelled. "Thorin, you have to bring her back to you, to us." Bring me back? I didn't understand it, none of it. "Balin, she don't know me. Thranduil raised her, I can't just say it to her, and if I did tell her the truth she will hate me!" Thorin voice was filled with anger and grief and he looked at Balin. "Say what to me?" I walked down the stone stairs. Thorin looked shocked. They were all silence. I looked to Thorin. "Say what?" The dwarf was mumbling. The old dwarf started to talk to me. "Sarah, you are his..." The dwarf looked at Thorin and the rest of the company. "Daughter." I couldn't believe my ears. "No, it can't be, Thranduil is my father." I said. The dwarf was shaking his head. I looked at Thorin. "But why he never told me?" I asked almost crying.


Tell me if you want an update to the next chapter, I have lots of ideas!!

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