Chapter Six: Blue Moon

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After school ended, I had a nap.

I ran along the beach and I saw a shining blue moon. Then I saw a shadowed figure and my mum and best friend Ruby floating in the air above the sand. I threw several orbs at the figure and they stopped floating. I watched as the figure faded into mist.

"That was a weird dream," I said.

"You and Ruby were floating in the air and then I threw orbs at a shadowed figure. I'm glad it wasn't real."

"Me too. Doesn't school start in an hour?"

"No! I'm going to be late!" I said. I rushed upstairs. I got washed and then put on my school uniform. It was summer so we wore a white tank top with our school logo on.

I wore a light blue skirt past my knees and blue sandals. I put my hair in plaits and then applied a little mascara. We could wear makeup at school.
But I never made it that day.

I collapsed and the last thing I saw was a shadowed figure in the window.

I hope you've enjoyed this story so far! It will have twelve chapters. Don't forget to follow me - I'll follow you back - and vote for this and my other stories.


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