Prologue- Aleria

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My eyes snap open. They are nearby.

Rapidly, I roll to my feet, sling my pack over my shoulder and press my back against the opposite wall.

"Darcie, Darcie wake up." I hiss across the room. In the thin streams of moonlight shining through a grimy skylight, I can see her dark hair is strewn messily across her face as she continues to sleep.

Cautiously, I glide towards the door and gradually edge it slightly open. In the distance, I see two figures ducking into a building; they will find us soon if we don't move. Silently closing the door again, I kneel down next to Darcie.

"Darcie, we have to leave now. Come on, you need to wake up." I whisper, shaking her shoulder. Yawning, she sits up

"What's happening?" She mumbles almost incoherently as her hands automatically twist her long hair into a messy ponytail.

"They've found us. We need to get back to the house." I reply. It isn't really a house, but at the moment it is the only place where we can feel safe. Her hands begin to shake as she picks up her pack, trying to conceal her fear; it doesn't work, I know her too well. We have been on the run together since the Alerians-small aliens who are the original occupents of Aleria- possessed almost everyone in Merciana Falls nearly two years ago. I was fifteen and she was eleven.

Discreetly, I scan the room for possible exits. The metal fire doors we entered through are out of the question; we will definitely be caught. The skylight is too high and the thin handle looks like it will snap off if put under too much pressure. To our right, there is an ebony door, partially hidden behind some rickety shelves; any attempt to move them will result in a lot of noise, revealing ourselves. Our only chance is a dusty air vent on the left wall.

Immediately, I yank my knife out of my belt and wedge it between the vent cover and the wall, forcing them to separate. This creates a shrill screeching noise as metal scrapes against metal, causing me to drop the vent to clutch my ears in pain. Slowly, as if time is teasing me, the vent cover clatters to the floor, just out of my reach, my knife next to it. Everything is silent as dust clouds around us, blurring my vision. There is a repetitive ringing noise in my ears. Abruptly, realisation floods through me; it isn't ringing, it's footsteps- they're coming.

Spinning on my heel, I seize Darcie's shoulders and push her towards the shaft- despite her protests.

"I'm not going." She states, digging her heels in the stone floor beneath us. I sigh in frustration; every time she tries to be brave.

"Darcie, you have to go before they get here. I don't care if you know how to fight." I answer, pushing again. After a few seconds of silent fury and resisting, I sweep her into my arms and place her in the gap.

"Get out of here. If I don't find you by sunset, make your way back to the house; there should be enough supplies for you for at least a couple of months." I order. She nods sullenly, pulling her legs up to her chest. Bending down I retrieve the cover, smoothly sliding my knife back into my belt. When I look back at her, her eyes are closed, making it look like she is praying. Without warning, she throws her arms around my neck.

"Stay safe, big brother." She whispers in my ear.

"You too, little sister." I murmur back before pulling away. We have become so close it is like we are siblings.

Within seconds, she has turned and disappeared up the shaft.

Quickly, I push the cover back on and move to the other side of the room to remove any suspicion about the vent. Glancing at the shelves, I rip one of the metal supports off; it could be useful when they arrive. The remains of the shelves fall to the floor.

The doors fly open, allowing two Alerians, one blonde, one brunette, to enter. Without stopping to negotiate, they dive towards me in unison, swords raised. I dance to the side as they hit the floor, roll onto their backs and jump to their feet. The brunette throws her sword at me, grazing my arm. It lodges itself in the wall behind me. Swinging the bar, I knock her off her feet and hit her partner on the head, rendering her unconscious. I start to run towards the door when the skylight smashes, showering me in glass as another Alerian lands on my back.

Instinctively, I throw myself backwards, hoping he will release me. He doesn't. Instead, the brunette sits on my stomach, a smile on her face as she pulls a knife from her bag. If she can get me back to headquarters, she will be a celebrity. She will be forever known as the one who captured the human.

But I won't let that happen.

As she raises the knife, I grab a piece of wood from the shelves and use it to knock her off me. Surprised, she lets go of the knife to steady herself. Snatching the knife off the floor, I shove it into the Alerians leg, forcing him to release me from his hold. By the time I have stood up, the brunette has fled, leaving the unconscious blonde and injured man behind. Wihout hesitating, I follow her outside.

Keeping to the shadows, I pursue her through the streets until she reaches the town square where a man is waiting for her. Moving to a nearby doorway, I listen to their conversation.

"Where are Brad and Star?" The man demands.

"I had to leave them at the warehouse, sir." She replies apprehensively.

"Why would you do that? Where is the human?"

"He is a good fighter. Star was knocked out and Brad was immobilised. I had to leave."

"You ran to save yourself. You let a human escape. Theses are both crimes against Alerians." His hand moves to his belt and she swallows nervously.

"Why can't you be more like Cal? I give him an assignment and he completes it. He captured a human. You are not fit to be an Alerian." In a swift, practised movement, his hand darts out and he shoots her in the head. Turning away from her body, he motions for someone to his left to come forward. His words echo in my head- he captured a human- the only other full human I know is Darcie.

An older man appears, dragging a struggling girl with him; Darcie. Raising my knife, I aim for the guard when she kicks him and breaks free. Changing my target, I hit the leader and rush out the shadows, grabbing Darcie's arm and pulling her south, towards the forest.

Suddenly, there is an ear-spliiting bang and Darcie screams in pain, stumbling as she clutches her arm. I look behind us to see a guard holding a gun while the leader calls for back up, applying pressure to his wound. Moving behind Darcie to shield her, I guide her towards an alleyway. Bullets fly around us, missing every time. Blood runs down Darcie's arm and her face is white with pain. Lifting her into my arms, I sprint towards the alley. When I get there, I sit her against the wall.

"Where were you hit?" I question, gathering bandages from my pack. She points to her upper arm, wincing when I pull her sleeve away- I can't see the bullet, only blood oozing from the entrance wound. Wrapping the bandages around her arm, I stand her up again.

"I can't do anything until we are back at the house." I explain. She nods in response.

Voices drift from the entrance of the alley. I look at Darcie and smile. It's time to do what we do best.

We run.

A/N- Hii! I finally posted a story. Hope you like it =). I'm going to try to upload at least once a month, but I'm not making any promises. Anyway, please comment, vote, favourite- I don't mind!



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