All Knowing Eco-Future

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To start off, no we don't have flying cars in the future.

We are not ignorant of the past, we embrace it.

There was no "appocolpse", just a law passed.

We get to  chose our own jobs we aren't assigned them.

We have a green president, meaning he's sort of a hippie.

Basically, the president of the United States passed a law last year (2864 A.D.) that basically shut down most fasctories, destoyed them, and planted trees all over, which basically made the U.S. one giant forest.

We still have factories that make clothing jewlery etc... but just not as many.

We all live in tree houses.

I know, I know, pretty freaking epic, right?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2012 ⏰

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