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  • Dedicated to My mum, for making me watch way too much star trek

 I really get this bored, so if you want anymore ideas or details, just tell me and I'd really love to make some more up.

But, I'm rubbish at names, so everything is basically called a description of what it is, unless someone helps me with the names so don't bother asking me for names. Honestly, I named my toy cat, Cat because I couldn't think of anything else when I was five.



Physical features (planet):

The atmosphere is very rich in carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide and various nitrates, with only a small amount of oxygen, along with various other chemicals, some very complex, all of which creates a thick smog, hence the name exanimes, which is latin for breathless.

In the crust there are large deposits of gold and platinum, but little of more reactive metals, as they have reacted with the atmosphere. Meaning that if light could reach the surface of this planet it would shine, slightly brighter than Earth’s moon.

This planet has one satellite and though not visible from the ground, it’s gravity causes the winds on the planet, which rush round at very high speeds and effects the density of the air around it, similar to the tides on earth.

The temperatures are much hotter than on Earth, with the average temperature at about 30 C over the planet and in the inhabitable areas about 60C


Plants haven’t evolved here, as there is so little light, and the producer in the food chain uses the chemicals in the atmosphere to create energy, and mostly (with a few exceptions) they float through the air in thin, circular, kite-like sheets sometimes as tall and wide as a kilometre, sometimes the size of a pin head. While technically not plants, it is easiest to class them as such


Because it’s so warm there are no warm blooded animals here, all are cold blooded, and the enzymes in their bodies are designed to work at much warmer temperatures, so if you lower the body temperatures below about 15 C (and as they can’t control their body temperature very much that’s basically the air temperature they die at).

All the animals are very small, to conserve energy, as respiration is restricted by the small level of oxygen (the largest is the size of a small horse, and that’s like a giraffe when compared to most of the others), and many have adaptation to collect or store more oxygen, for example, there is one creature with its alveoli outside and above its body in a very large, net, supported by a network of flexibly cartilage both to hold it upright and to protect it from physical things, and coated in mucus to protect it from dust, and if necessary it can roll inward into a hollow in their back, and most have mechanisms of extracting the oxygen from some of the compounds it’s in and filtering mechanisms to remove everything else. After it has been filtered the oxygen is dissolved into their blood which is made of a solvent (A/N I'm gonna find out one this would work for in a few days)so this is possible without the help of haemoglobin (the Carbon Monoxide would bond with it and make it unusable).

Because of the dense chemical fog, the surface of the planet is very dark, so sight isn’t an ability that’s developed here, instead they have highly developed infra-red sensors, which are so sensitive they can see as many different shades of infra-red as we can of normal light, some say more, allowing them to see the minute differences between the air and the land orother creatures, even though they are very close together .

Humans can’t survive here independently and the animals here can’t survive on Earth independently.

Miscellaneous life:

The third form of life is similar to fungi, which latches onto the plants and feeds off them as they float, it can move independently, but it has no way of making its’ own energy, so it can’t survive without a plant for more than a few days, though this changes depending on how much energy it has stored, and what species it is.

Intelligent life-Physiology:

The intelligent life is similar to a lizard, about the size of your arm, it has inflatable sack which can be filled with oxygen at high pressure for later use, like a camels hump, and once full, it need not breathe for a week. It is bright blue and each has a very individual texture to its skin, and can move quickly when it needs to, but will not without good reason.

Rather than hands (they walk on all fours), they have a prehensile tail, which splits into four smaller tails which can be used like fingers.

Intelligent life- Sociology:

They rarely mate for more than a season, and their species is not pre-deposed to making friends, rarely working together or talking without need, but when they do, they are always polite to one another, though their rules of etiquette are very simple. In other words, they don’t form emotional attachments to members of their own species, and are not particularly sociable.

Arts main purpose is to help share feelings and emotions, and the Lizards see no reason to do this, so their culture doesn’t include this (that means art, literature, or ), though there are some which practise making the most accurate engravings they can of various textures, particularly of others skin, as they haven’t developed a version of a camera.

Once laid, an egg is left in a cave or other enclosed space, and is left to fend for itself, and when it hatches, the hatchling will be cared for by all around i.e. it will be fed by whoever is closest to it when it is hungry, and they may give it some air from their sacks.

The communicate by changing the temperature of specific parts of their bodies, by different amounts at different speeds, meaning that they can say several words at once, while some combinations may mean a single word, but it also means that words are said in whichever order the fastest temperature change is, so a sentence will make no sense until it is fully said. They change their temperature by quickly clenching and relaxing lots of very small muscles in that part of their body, which has the side effect of making them hum, and hearing Lizards talk sounds like haunting music to a human. As anything on the skin makes it harder to understand what a Lizard is saying (like talking with your mouthful), clothing is not a part of their culture, and to be dirty is the height of rudeness, and they wash three or four times a day- even animals manage to keep quite clean.

Their language is very difficult to translate into any Earth language, and which makes communication between the species very difficult, though not impossible if a dummy in the shape of this species that can be heated is used, but there are easier ways.

Their form of written word is much like brail, but carved into the soft gold, rather than paper, and most communication between humans and Lizards is done using it as it is much more similar to our own language than their verbal language, and they are unable to read out writing as they have no eyes.

Obviously because they have so much gold, but so little iron or aluminium (aluminum if you’re American)  so it’s in the interest of both species to trade.

Because they rarely work together, despite that fact that they are very intelligent they have surprisingly little technology, and they don’t have a government (not that our exactly works together all the time either), or any law enforcement. Fortunately, there are very few disputes, and they have a very strong sense of fairness, and will only rarely do something that is unfair to another, and if one does, they will always meet up in large groups and hunt them down, with fatal results, though they are careful not to hurt the wrong Lizard. How they know that one isn’t lying is unknown, but they do seem to have an instinctual knowledge if another is lying, though this doesn’t apply to humans

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