Chapter 5

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The sun was just setting as people began to arrive. The sky has a soft pink glow to it, creating a relaxing atmosphere. The night was still, with not a single leaf moving.

I checked myself in the full length mirror once more. The red dress looked just as prefect as it had in the shop. I added a pair of black heels, a black belt and a cute black, envelope clutch. I decided to wear just a simple, silver charm bracelet, wanting the dress to stand out. I had received the bracelet for my eighteenth birthday from my parents. Of all the charms, the horse shoe was my favourite.

As I headed down stairs, I could hear family and friends chatting in the living room.

"There she is," mum exclaimed. "Oh sweetheart, you look so beautiful."

Everyone turned around to look at me. Dad pushed through the people to give me a kiss on the cheek.

"Not too old to be kissed by your dad?" he whispered in my ear.

"Never," I replied.

I really cherished my relationship with my dad. He had really taught me everything I know. While I will always be his little girl, it didn't worry me one bit.

I went around and greeted everyone else. I couldn't help but notice that Ben wasn't there.

"Looking for someone?" Georgia asked.

I blushed slightly. Of course I was wondering where he was, but I was hoping it didn't show. We had started to walk down towards the barn, where the rest of people had started to gather. I kept looking out for Ben's Ute.

"He's just been held up, he'll be here soon," she said.

"Oh ok, thanks fine," I replied with a slight hint of relief in my voice.

Reaching the barn I couldn't help but admire how great it looked. Dad had strung fairy lights from the roof, making it look like stars in the night sky. There were white chairs and tables, as well as hay bales, scattered around the edge of the dance floor, which took centre stage. At the back of the barn there was a long food and drinks table, filled with all of my favourites. In the middle was my cake. It was a three tier cake, covered in white icing and little black horse shoes all over it. On the top was a black and white twenty one. While it was simple, it was exactly how I liked it.

"Happy Birthday Claire!" Everyone yelled.

"Thanks everyone!" I replied with the same enthusiasm.

I really was excited about the party. While I hadn't been excited earlier in the day, but once I arrived it really hit me.

I headed over to the food after I had said hello to everyone.

"Doesn't it look good?" Georgia gasped. "Your mum always does a great job."

"She sure does," I replied. "Quick, let's get to the prawn satays and potatoes before they all go!"

While everything on the table was my favourite, the prawns and potatoes that dad had cooked on the barbeque, were my absolute favourite.

"Race you," Georgia yelled.

"Hey, that's not fair! I'm wearing heels and it's my birthday!" I laughed.

After grabbing our food we sat down at a free table and I took on the atmosphere. It was comforting to be surrounded by the people who love me. Everyone was getting along, with people laughing from all directions. It was rare these days that I had time to just sit down and relax and talk to people about something that wasn't horse racing related.

Georgia broke my thoughts.

"Look who's coming over," she whispered.

Sure enough it was Ben. He looked rather handsome in his black suit pants and white shirt. His hair was slightly messy, which seemed to be the 'in' look at the moment. For some reason he stood out from everyone else.

"Hi, happy birthday," he said.

"Thanks," I replied.

"Hey, do you want to come outside? I've got something to show you."

I looked at Georgia, unsure what to do.

"Sure. Go, go," she demanded. "Have fun!"

"Ok," I said.

We made our way outside. It was dark now and the stars and full moon lit up the night sky. We headed around to the stable, away from the crowd.

"Is Manny alright?" I blurted out, wondering why we would be heading so far away.

"Oh ok," I said, a little embarrassed.

We sat down at a hay bale, just inside the stable. It was a little dark and you could hear the horses finishing up their evening feed, while some were snoring.

"I know it's not your birthday today, but I wanted to give you your present today," Ben explained. He pulled a small, black box from his pocket. "I hope you like it."

I opened it carefully. Inside was a silver charm in the shape of a Melbourne Cup.

"Oh Ben, it's beautiful," I sighed.

He leant over to put it on my bracelet for me. I held my wrist up in the air to admire it. It was so beautiful.

"I'm glad you like it. Hopefully you'll get a real Melbourne Cup one day."

"Well if I ever need a jockey to ride my horse, I know who to call," I said jokingly punching him in the arm. "But serious, I love it. Thank you so much."

I looked into his eyes. For a spilt second time frozen and before I knew what I was doing, it just happened. I kissed Ben.

It was exactly like the movies. It sent chills down my spine and created butterflies in my stomach.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry Ben," I gasped.

This time it was Ben that looked into my eyes.

"Do you know how many times I've dreamed of doing that to you?" he whispered.

Then he lent in for other kiss. He was soft and gentle. For every second the kiss went one, my butterflies grew strong and the hairs on the back of my neck stood up, until it felt like I was aware of every sensation in my body. I had to pull back, not really knowing what to make of the situation that was now unfolding before my eyes.

For a moment we just sat there, not really sure what to do.

"We can't do this Ben," I exclaimed in a whisper, breaking the silence and probably breaking his heart.

"Why not?" He asked.

"I don't want people to think that I'm giving you special treatment. We're still both so early into our careers."

"We won't tell anyone then."

"What? A secret relationship?" God my parents were going to kill me! I thought.

"Yeah, just until I've really made it as a jockey and you as a trainer. Plus you should let me take you on a proper date first."

"Ok, deal." And we sealed it with another kiss. This was the best birthday ever.

Author's Note: Sorry everyone, but I will only be able to upload once a week now. I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far! Please let me know what you think of it.

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