Chapter 6

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I woke up in Neal's arms. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and quietly got up, not wanting to wake Neal.

The move was a good idea. I was getting bored here in Tallahassee, and Neal was wrong, so long ago. There is not a beach in Tallahassee. I smiled at my own joke.

I walked in the kitchen to find Henry drinking some juice out of the carton.

I laughed knowing he would hear me.

"You want some?" he asked, giggling.

"No thanks. You can keep it."

He grinned and sat down at the counter.

I walked towards the fridge and opened it up. I found some bacon and eggs. I turned the nonstick pan on high and began working. Ten minutes later, breakfast was served. Neal was still asleep, and I thought he would need it. We were taking the bug all the way to Maine, close to Canada.

I set our food on the small dining room table. I turned some music on and grabbed the hot cocoa from the microwave.

"Forgot something," Henry reminded me.

"Right. Cinnamon."

I grabbed the cinnamon from the pantry and handed it to Henry first.

We ate silently until Henry asked, "How did you and dad meet?"

This was not something I had never thought about telling him, but I wasn't sure he was really ready. So, I lied.

"We met at a used car sale."


"I don't know. Two years before you were born."


We sat awkwardly in silence until we were both done.

"We are leaving at noon."

"Okay!" Henry yelled from the hallway.

I sat down on the couch taking in everything that had abruptly taken place in the last few days. I turned the TV on, not caring about what I was watching. Neal silently walked in.

"Morning, Em," he said in a sickly tone.

"Neal, are you sick?"

"Just a cold," he said as he sneezed.

I looked at him like a teenager looks at her embarrassing mother.

He chuckled harshly, sounding ill.

"What if I take Henry in the bug today. You can take an airplane and fly over when you feel well enough."

"No. I should drive you guys."

"You do realize I can drive, right?"

"I'm not doubting you, it's just..."

"Go to bed and stay there. I am almost done packing. Once I'm done, I'll check on you."

He pouted as he obediently walked off to bed.

I walked into Henry's room to find him reading.

"What are you reading?"

"Nothing," he said as he close the book. "What time is it?"

I looked down at my phone that was in my pocket.

"Ten thirty."


"You packed?"


"All the way."


"Okay. Be ready at noon. Oh and your dad isn't feeling good so I'm gonna drive us down and he'll meet us there."

"Okay," he said as he grinned.

I closed the door and walked back to the couch. I loved spending time with Henry because he reminded me so much of myself;however, I often felt like he was always hiding something from me. I am always hiding things from him, and I feel bad about it. He is on a need to know basis. He doesn't need to know about Neal and me yet. I'm not sure he ever needs to know about what happened.

... ... ...

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I do not own these characters. these characters belong to the Once Upon A Time creators.

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