The quest

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  Reyna raced down the hall, the guards, Reges, and Glenn right behind her. Her heart was full of dread. Someone had stolen the artifacts? This was bad, really really bad. Those artifacts held the powers of Ardale in them, if someone else got hold of them then they could easily use them against Reyna and the people of Ardale. Glen ran up next to her, panting.
  "I don't get it, I thought the Artifacts were enchanted so that no one could take them?"He asked. Reyna shook her head. She was just as confused as he was. They burst into the council room where all of Reyna's advisors sat. They turned their heads, looking shocked at the sweaty, panting, troll- slime covered Queen. Reyna cleared her throat and straightened herself. She walked over to the long table and took her seat at the head. Glen sat at her right, and Reges at her left. He sank into his chair, his chest heaving as he took deep shaking breaths. Reyna was worried about him. Reges was an old man, with barely any hair left on his head. But he was loyal and had served Reyna's parents and grandparents for a short while, and he had helped raise her as a child. Reyna sometimes feared for the old guys health and she knew that as experienced as he was, his time for retirement was coming up fast. Around her at the large mahogany table sat the other seven members of her council. Each looked at her expectantly. Reyna was unsure of what to do, but she couldn't let them know that. She had to appear calm and in charge, as not to alarm any of them. 
  "Um, right, ok so what do we know about the Artifacts disappearance?" She asked. Mavis, the captain of her guard, leaned forward. 
  "Your highness, we know that the artifacts were placed in the castle vault for safe keeping as soon as we arrived back at the castle, many spells were cast to protect them, and an around the clock guard was placed on duty. I was making the rounds, checking on the castle to make sure everything was the way we left it, when I heard a yell. I ran to the vault, and saw the guard on duty had been knocked out and the vault was wide open. The artifacts, gone." Reyna let that sink in. 
   "How could anyone have possibly taken them? You said it yourself, many enchantments were placed on the artifacts to protect them, I don't understand how they could have been taken." Her council mumbled but no one offered an explanation.
   "Your highness, did anyone else besides you and the guards who moved them come into contact with the artifacts?" Reges asked. Reyna thought about it.
  "No, not that I-Wait! Yes! Someone else did, Prince Kane picked up my crown when it fell, and he took my scepter and handed it to a guard so I didn't have to hold it while we danced. Why, what are you thinking of Reges?" Reyna asked, but she had a suspicious feeling she knew the answer.
  "If this is true, then it's possible that Prince Kane could have placed a charm on your crown and scepter to allow him to bypass the security spells that were placed on the artifacts to protect them."Reyna thought about that.
  "Are you sure about this? I know of the enchantments you speak of and they're incredibly difficult magic to pull off, I think I would have noticed had he placed a charm on them. Besides he seemed harmless, only after a dance not our kingdoms power." Glen made a sound.
  "Well of course he didn't to you, you were to busy swooning over him to notice how cocky and annoying he is!" Glen huffed. Reyna's cheeks burned and she glared at Glen. She had no idea what her friends problem was with Prince Kane. She would have to ask him later. 
  "Queen Reyna, if he truly did get his hands on the artifacts before they were placed under a protection spell, than it is entirely possible that he could have been the one to steal them. He is after all, related to Queen Asasara, and she's known for pulling stunts like this. Anything to gain power over others." Reges pointed out. Reyna knew he had a point, but the thought of starting out her reign as Queen by accusing another Queen of stealing her items of power didn't sit well with her.
  "Reges, if I accuse the Queen of having her grandson steal from me for her, and it turns out were wrong, then we could have a serious problem on our hands. Queen Asasara will be furious that we wrongly accused her and demand some sort of apology. She's had her eyes on the Egose Islands between our two countries. She might even decide to attack us outright. And if the other Queens hear about it they might join her side." She said pointedly. Reges pondered this.
  "You make a good point your Highness, but if we are right and she did take the artifacts, then we need to get them back. With powerful tools like those she could use them against us and the other queens." he said.
  "What if we warn the other queens that she has them? Get them on our side so they help us to get them back." Spoke Lila, another council member.  Reyna shook her head.
  "Because we don't know if she does have them, and if she dosen't then it will look like we were trying to turn the other queens on her." 
  "Well then what shall we do, your Majesty?" Cindy, a soft spoken but incredibly intelligent councilwoman asked. Reyna thought for a moment, her mind racing. How could they find out if Queen Asasara had the artifacts without accusing her? Or if they did accuse her, and she had them, she might just go ahead and attack or demand something in exchange. An idea wormed its way into her head. Just the thought of what she was about to propose scared her, but no one else was offering solutions, and if it was the only way to help her people she had to try. 
  "We need someone to go in and spy on the Queen, see if she has the artifacts without accusing her. If we accuse her, we run the risk of her abandoning whatever she's planning and just attacking, or if were she could use the false accusation to turn the other queens on us and start a war. No, the best option is for someone to go in and see what she's up to. If she does have them, then she probably has a plan as to how she's going to use them, since she hasn't sent anything such as a warning or threat." 
  "Your Majesty, this is a dangerous plan. If she catches a spy in her kingdom, they will most certainly not return alive, in fact, you won't even get a ship over there without her noticing, she has lookouts everywhere. She's incredibly paranoid." Reges said. Reyna took a deep breath.
  "Exactly, which is why it has to be me who goes." The council members gasped and all began talking at once.
  "Your highness you cannot-" Reges began, but Reyna cut him off. She raised her hand for silence and the talking ceased.
  "If I fly over there, she'll never see it coming. Plus, I'm well trained and it will be easier for me to escape if she catches me than a guard," Reyna fluttered her wings for effect."The artifacts being stolen were my fault, if she has them, than it's my job to get them back." She declared, determined. Reges frowned, and Reyna could tell he hated this plan. The poor old guy was like a grandfather to her, she hated to see him so upset, but she knew this was the best option, and maybe the only way to see what Queen Asasara had planned, for Reyna was almost positive now after talking that it must have been her who had stolen the artifacts.  
  "I do not agree with or like this plan, but if it is what her Majesty wishes..." Reges sighed. Reynas shoulders sagged with relief. She didn't want to argue with him, she wanted to get going.
  "Reges, in my absence you will look after the kingdom, all of you will. Do as I would do. I leave by morning." Reyna stood and with a wave of her hand the meeting was dismissed. 

    In her room, Reyna began to pack for her journey. She had no idea how long she would be gone, or what she would need, or even what exactly she was going to do. Reyna had never felt more alone or more overwhelmed in her life. But she knew in her heart, that Queen Asasara was behind this, and if she didn't try and stop her then Asasara would surely use the power of the artifacts to take over Reyna's kingdom, and she just couldn't let Queen Asasara hurt her kingdom. The woman was vile, and she would surely enslave and torture Reynas people, just as her ancestors had done in the Great War hundreds of years ago. She sighed and threw a canteen of water into her pack. She had no idea what she would do once she got to Queen Asasara's kingdom, or how she would get close enough to the queen to spy on her, she wasn't even sure if she could make it into the country. Reyna was sure that the queen would have all sorts of protection and spells around her castle. Reyna ran her fingers through her silky dark hair. She changed out of her slime covered clothes. There was a knock on her door. She pulled on a clean shirt and opened it. Glen stood outside her room. As soon as she opened the door, he whisked right inside.
  "Ya sure you can come in." Reyna grumbled rolling her eyes. She turned and her eyes met his, he gave her a worried look. Maybe in front of the other council members she needed to act confident and in charge, but here in front of her friend, she couldn't lie. Reynas head fell and her shoulders slumped.
  "Glen, I don't know what I'm going to do, I fear I have signed myself up for more than I can handle."She lifted her head to look at him. Glen shook his head.
  "Nonsense, you can handle anything. Besides, you won't be alone." Reyna furrowed her brow.
  "What do you mean?" Glen rolled his eyes at her.
  "You don't seriously think I'm going to let you go off on some super dangerous quest by yourself, do you?" He huffed. Reyna bristled.
  "Glen, I am more than capable of protecting myself!" She sputtered.
  "Well duh I know that, but c'mon what am I supposed to sit in this stuffy castle by myself while you get to go on a dangerous secret mission and probably battle lots of nasty bad guys on the way?" Glen grinned at her. Despite herself, Reyna felt a smile creep slowly on her face. She threw herself into Glens arms.
  "Thank you, I'm glad your coming." She whispered. He squeezed her and patted her wings.
  "Hey what are best friends for?" Reyna pulled herself away and brushed non existent dirt off her shirt. She felt so much better knowing she wouldn't be alone on this mission. Then a dark thought came to her.
  "Oh but Glen, I couldn't possibly have you there with me knowing that I'm putting your life in danger, I can't have you do this with me, you could get killed." Glen didn't look fazed. His grin only widened.
  "Certain death? Sounds fun! I'm coming, no arguments. We'll keep each other safe just like we always do." Reyna opened her mouth to protest but one look from Glen cut her off. She knew once the stubborn faerie made up his mind there was no changing it. She stood up straight and cleared her throat.
  "Now leave me, I need to finish packing. And so do you, get some sleep when you finish, we have a long few days ahead of us and who knows when we'll be able to get a good night's sleep again." Glen grinned a lopsided grin and saluted her.
   "Yes ma'am. Already sounds like fun!" He squealed like a little school girl. Reyna rolled her eyes and giggled then shoved him out of her room. She got some funny looks from the guards outside her bedroom but she didn't care. She returned to her pack, more determined and feeling much less alone.  

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2018 ⏰

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