Rose stops talking and moves to put back on her hood. "Gabriel, where is your mark?" she asks face hidden. Gabriel is little shocked that she knows about the tattoo on his right side. He stands hesitantly and lifts his shirt to reveal his Phoenix Mark.

"Oh, wow," breathes Isaac, sighing heavily. "I knew this day was going to come soon after his birthday. "Isaac says shifting and sitting the confused Molly down from his knee to the floor.

"I was going to tell you, Dad, but I was scared you would think I was crazy and did this to myself," Gabriel blurts. Isaac stays quiet.

Gabriel sits back down, and Rose continues. "After the Unova had taught the marked humans everything they could, they returned to the heavens. The Marked humans called themselves Champions, and they were sworn to protect the weak no matter what the cost. So the Champions built a tower; it was a place to call home and a library of knowledge. They called this place Champions' Peak. From then on, Champions would go out into the world on missions, protecting those who needed it. One of the effects brought on by mingling with the worlds was something the Unova could have never have predicted: relationships between the Champions and their dependents. So, they came up with a solution. The Champions could have relationships out in the world; however, their offspring would be born within the Phoenix. On the firstborn's fifteenth birthday, he or she would show signs of the mark and have a choice to prepare for training or lead a normal life. The offspring that choose this life were taken to Champions' Peak to be taught to control their new abilities. Do you understand so far?" Rose asks Gabriel. He sits very quietly and listens intently.

"I think I do. So what you're saying is my mom was a Champion and now that I've been marked, that makes me a Champion, too." Gabriel is reeling; this all felt so strange. He feels as if a childhood fairytale was appearing before him, and he is the main character.

"Exactly. I thought your mother was crazy when she was telling me all this stuff, and then she opened my eyes, and I could see a whole new world." Isaac says smiling at the memory of his wife Victoria.

Gabriel turns to look at Rose. "Is that why I couldn't see Jazmyne, I mean...the Jinn, for what it was?" Gabriel asks.

"Your human side was fighting with your Champion's reality. But at the same time, Jinn are evil creatures that make their victims dreams a false reality. Victims are drawn in close, then eaten alive." Rose says sadly.

Gabriel gulps. What if that had happened to me? He shook the thought away and continues to ask questions. "What all does this have to do with my mom? I mean, besides her being a Champion." Rose and Isaac both shifting in their sits uncomfortably.

Rose began to speak. "Gabriel, before your mother Victoria met your father, her maiden name was Wolfmaine. She was a gifted Champion who had been left in an orphanage. When I discovered her, I was shocked at her keen abilities. Victoria's Phoenix Mark came to her at an early age of 14, and she had been taking care of herself. When I brought her to Champions' Peak, she immediately became a star pupil and a very rare case. She completed every mission with success and was also a successful student who rose to the many academic challenges at Champions' Peak. She made a great name for herself in our world." Rose smiles as she reminisced over good times. For a moment, Gabriel sits and smiles proudly; he was right about his mother being amazing.

"What happened to her, Rose? Gabriel asks. Isaac starts to wipe his eyes. Molly, who had been preoccupied with playing with her doll, starts to yawn, and Rose had gone quiet.

"While your mother was attending the school, she had close friends who would go on missions with her: Lucian Bardock, Janessa Lue, and Wolf Bloodshed. Your mother was close and loyal to her friends; however, your father came along and stole your mother's heart a few months afterward, she had you. Your mother knew the life she had chosen was dangerous; however, she felt a certain calling to a lead her team that she could not ignore. Before she met your father, she and her team went on a very important quest; however, when they returned everything had changed."

Gabriel and the Binders' RingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora