Chapter 6

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😈😈Karma's POV 😈😈

This little girl or is it a boy?..... Whatever he/she is soooo LIGHT! They must not feeding them.. Poor kid they must be reaaalllly hungry.

*stomach growling*

"You guys must be hungry?" Nagi said. The little boy just nodded. "Dont worry, when we get you two to the hotel, you get to eat, OK?" Tetsu-nii said to the boy.

"Hey kid what's your name?" I said to the boy, but he seem has a mixture of fear and confuse expression.

"Don't worry kid I'm not gonna hurt you two." I said again to eased his tense body.

"Ok. M-my na-name i-is Mi-Micheal bu-but you can call me Mich!" Said the boy without looking at me.

"Well as soon we get back you and this little girl are going to be living with us!" Nagi said to Mich.

"Little girl? But Nao~chan is not a girl" Mich said.

"EHH!!!" Well that's unexpected... Hey! Thats great news to Nagi.

"Hey Nagi  your not the only one with a feminine touch now haha!"

"Oi! Karma-kun stop it or no fun night for you for 2 weeks!" Nagi said with a serious face.

"Alright, I won't say anything but wait till you see the others react."

"We're almost there, we just to need your wolves to go there first" tetsu-nii said.

We nod and send our wolves to the hotel.

"Mister, Nao-chan doesn't look good" Mich said.

Nagi touched his forehead and he immediately have a worried look.

"We need to go to the hotel fast. He's burning up, he has a fever."

I give Naoki to Tetsuya and Nagi is in the lead running fast. While I carried Mich and started to running.

I didn't know that tetsu-nii can run that fast!

We're almost there, I can see the hotel building.

Nally's POV

As I was telling a little white lie story. Then the door was broken down by 2 wolves.

Now I know that it is serious. I called Isogai and Maehara to stand by.

The atmosphere tense there are hospital bed and other medical stuff (sorry I don't know any medical haha)

"What's happening Nally? Who are these wolves?" Seijiro said, eyeing the wolves.

Before I could said something to him. Tetsuya came running with a child with a bit red of his the child's face.

"What happened tetsu?" I said while karma and nagisa came running inside panting.

"Tetsu-nii you should warn us if your going for a run! We can't keep up with your stamina." Nagisa said, leaning to karma with another child.

"Sorry Nagi but its Noa-chan's health were at stake here." Tetsu said. As he lay down the child Isogai and Maehara check the child and the other child that nagi and karma came with.

"Tetsu, who are they? I thought there are more children you rescued." I whispered to him.

"They are the only survivors of the facility. They kidnapped over a hundred child and experimented them every year. Mich and Naoki  are the only ones who are compatible and they alternate their DNA." Testu said calm at the outside but rage in the inside, no one can calm him until the job is done.

I look at the child and with red hair who is sweating and panting. Isogai is doing his best to stable the situation of the child. And the other child with a blond hair and blue eyes Mich stare at Naoki with worry within his eyes. I can tell that you can't separate them, not until death do them apart.

"So I guess the partnership of your pack is postponed. Are they OK with this? I know that they are eager to have an owner." I said to him. He just heavily signed then run his fingers to his hair then to look at me with the same look he gave 7 years ago.

I look ahead and that Naoki is safe. I scan the others and the guests are freaking out of the events unraveled. Well at least its an interesting night for their experiences. I just hope that they don't judge us or else we just have to erase their memories of this events. Tetsu signed again but this time a worrisome one.

I signed too but nod to him. I know that look, the meaning, the purpose, the possibility of it. All I know... How do I know that? Even though were not blood related I'm happy that we are together again for 7 years I didn't see them. Nagi was only 8 Tetsu was 10 and I'm only 15 that time that the ' Incident ' happened the reason why we were separated for that long. The reason why I'm willing to kill someone who hurt us. Not any more, no more children of the night that cage like a bird wanting freedom. I'd do anything to ensure their safety even they will get dangerous jobs but as long I'm here for them in sickness to love life to life threatening I'm there for them. Never again their alone of the darkness. After all we are not ordinary people we are survivors, we are as one.

We are siblings of the night...

Hiyo! My patient readers! I'm back with this story! I know that its been a year without updating but I hope this chapter can cope up with the past updates!

I may update on every other day depended on my schedule but will try hard to update.

And I hope that you can give me any suggestions or any events you want to be in the story.

Please forgive me if any my spelling or grammars are off. But I hope you are reading this!

Until next update to you all!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2020 ⏰

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