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Exactly three months, I thought to myself as I watched the city clock strike 10:39 p.m. Three months ago I walked out of the place that was my home. Not anymore. Those days were gone. Dead.

I remember their voices vividly. They used to haunt me, but I got over it quickly. So quick, even Wally couldn't beat it. Now, they were just memories that didn't mean anything to me.

We were the Teen Titans, the strongest team of young heroes around. I was the leader of it all. We were family. They were the brothers and sisters I never had. Once in awhile, we had a dispute, but we always made up.

Then they happened more and more frequently. They said I grew cold & distant. The more they turned on me, the more true that became. We were falling apart. I had to become stricter, in an attempt to save the team.

Then I realized they didn't want me. So, at 10:31 p.m., I decided that I'd had enough. It didn't take me long to pack everything up. At 10:39, you heard the door to our place slam. I had left.

But for a good reason. I got the tears out of my system, then became stronger. Better. I became Nightwing. No more Robin. No more Boy Wonder. No more Teen Titans.

And the current moment marked three months since the occurrence. But I didn't have much time to process it as I heard voices discussing what seemed to be a plot. One for a kidnapping. I turned the corner and saw three men talking.

"That's such an interesting plan. I'm sure the police would love to hear all about it," I said, feeling my anger build.

The three of them grinned, turning to face me. I began pacing towards them. One took out a lighter & a box of matches, one a handgun, the other had nothing but clenched fists. I could tell he was the leader. He had the biggest smirk and looked ready for a fist fight.

"Bring it, Superman," he said. "It's Nightwing," I corrected, taking a swing at the one with the gun. I seized the object and shot at his foot once, before using it to hit the fire-lover a few times. I knocked both men out. The leader was all that was left.

He put up a good fight. He only laughed when I had him pinned to the ground. "You think it's funny, innocent people being kidnapped and tortured? Perhaps killed?" I yelled, my frustration & his laughter growing at an equal rate.

I punched him several times after that. I had lost it. I took the lighter and set him on fire, before shooting him twice in the head. I watched in absolute fury for thirty seconds. Then I kicked out the fire.

After a few moments of staring at the scene before me, I realized what I had done. I had killed someone. Killed. I had done something worse than he had planned on doing.

I wailed out, before slouching down next to the brick wall next to me. I curled up into a ball and blinked back tears. I definitely didn't feel like a 19-year-old man. Rather a child who'd been kicked around too many times. What had I done? This wasn't who I was. Or was it? I didn't even know anymore.

But there was no use crying about it. The deed had already been done & the police would be here any minute. I forced myself to get up and walk away from the scene.

I walked until I was running. My emotions followed me and were there when I stopped. I slammed my fist into the wall that was there. I could hear footsteps in the distance. I was sure I looked like a fool if they saw me.

I forced the tears to stop so I could look at who it was that was approaching. It was a man. He wore a combat suit, like I did. His was orange and black. All that was able to be seen of his face was his left eye. He gave off a very intelligent vibe.

"Dick Grayson, I have been looking for you," he said. His voice was quite calming. I wanted to scream at him to go away, but anyone who knew my real name was worth investigating. "Who are you?" I growled. "Deathstroke. But you may call me Slade," he replied.

"And how can you help a man who's just killed someone?" I said, tearing up again. "I've been in your position, I know exactly what you're feeling," said Slade. "Why should I trust you?" "Have you been paying attention? I know who you are, I know what you've been experiencing. Please, let me be your mentor," he said.

I weighed my options. I didn't know anything about this Slade. Sure, the name Deathstroke had come up once or twice at Titans Tower, but nobody knew anything more than his name. But at the same time, I could definitely use some guidance. This man clearly knows more than me.

"Fine, but this doesn't mean I trust you," I said, then started crying again. Slade just pulled me to him. It was an embrace of leather and metal, but enough. There was no use in complaining when he picked me up bridal style, either. I fell asleep as he took me to his "lair."


I woke up in a strange room. "Welcome to your new home, Dick," he said, setting me down in one of those chairs you might see at the dentist. I was immediately given an IV. I passed right out.


When I woke again, I was hooked up to a lot of machines and in my underwear. You can pretty much imagine what I worried had happened while I was asleep. I looked up at the monitor, and saw a note taped to it. It read:


You are safe here. Nothing bad can happen to you under my guidance. You shouldn't wake up with all the IV's, but if you're reading this, you no doubt have. Try to go back to sleep.

- Slade

I decided he was probably right, and that going back to sleep was the best idea at the moment. Fortunately, I was already drowsy so that didn't take much effort.


(a/n: hope you guys are enjoying the story so far! be sure to vote & express your opinions in the comments ^^)

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