Your past (Part 2)

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I call to Leon as the guy named Gene ran off with me.
"Put me down!"
I kick chest and smack at his back as Gene continued to run. I look up and saw Leon and Evan running close behind,they were each holding their weapons. I reached over to the arm he was holding me with and punched and scratched at his arm,he dropped me and I rushed over to Leon and Evan. Leon crouched down to hug me as I ran into his arms.
"Are you ok?"Leon asked me
I nod as I hugged him back.
"Why are you here,Gene?"Evan asked
"It's obvious,I've come to deal with the traitors."he said
"You brought a innocent little girl into this,its unforgivable."Evan said holding his sword out
"You talk big game but will it hold out?"
Gene charged at Evan swinging his sword,Evan blocked.
"Leon,get her out of here."Evan said glancing back at us
Leon picked me up and started to run into the woods. I grip the back of Leon's shirt as he ran,I turn my head to look at his face and I saw he looked worried. I hold on tighter to him and he glanced over at me and smiled.
"It's ok,"he said,"nothing's going to happen."
He stopped running and loosened his grip on me. I look into his brown eyes as he smiled at me.
"I won't let anything happen to you and even though we're not related you will always be the family I never had,I love you Y/N and I'll protect you no matter what."
I hug him tightly as I smile with relief.
"How cute."
Leon turns around quickly to see Gene.
"Leave us alone Gene."
"Oh but the funs just getting started."
Leon set me down and pushed me behind him.
"If you want her you have to go through me."Leon said
"That's no problem."Gene said
"Leon,please,I can't lose you."I say
Leon looked back at me and smiled.
"I don't die so easily."he said. "I'll be here for you always."
He pushes me over to a bush and I hid in it to scared to look out,when the metal striking metal subsided I heard Leon say,"It's ok to come out now."
I slowly climbed out of the bush to see Leon panting as he leaned on a tree in red armor,which he wasn't wearing before,he also looked like he was about to collapse. I rush over to him,he smiled down at me as I looked up at him.
"He should be gone for awhile,let's get home."
"What about Evan?"
"He's fine."


Once we got back to the cabin Leon collapsed onto the couch and I knelt down next to him.
"For being so young you're a lot more tuff then normal 7 year old."Leon said
"I'm only tuff because I was living in the wood for a big chunk of time."
"But you have me and Evan now,we will always be here for you."
"But what if you die?"
"Trust me,we're way harder to kill than you think."
Leon sat up and motioned for me to sit on his lap. I sat on his knee and I looked up at him.
"I'm going to let you in on a little secret. When we first met I asked if you knew who what Evan and I were."
"I remember that."I say
"Well do you know what we are?"
"Aren't you just normal people like me?"
"Not exactly,we are Shadow Knights."
"What's that?"
"We are people that have died,we came back as a Shadow Knight. We remember our past but we are not normal."
"That's not true!"
"Sadly it is true but that doesn't mean anything,I will protect you no matter what."
I hug Leon lightly as not to hurt him.
"It's not true."I whisper as tears begin to slip down my cheek
Leon hugged me back,the front door slammed shut and heavy footsteps made their way to the living room.
"Way to leave me behind."
I look up to see Evan walking in and slumping into a chair,he was also wearing red armor. I climb off of Leon's lap and jump onto Evan's.
"Oof,careful,I'm super sore."Evan said with a small smile
That night I was having trouble falling asleep and I couldn't stop worrying,I sat up as a strong gust of wind rattled the window. I hop out of bed and rushed to Leon's room,I open the door slowly as he shifted before opening his eyes a little.
"Y/N?"he said,"What's wrong?"
"I-I can't sleep."I say
He motioned with his hand for me to come closer,as I go close enough to his bed he reached out and picked me up. He set me on his lap and he smiled down at me.
"There's nothing to be worried about."he said
"How do you know something's worrying me?"
"You may be a adorable little 7 year old but I can see right through you."
"Not literally. You sleep with me tonight."He said,"But only if you help me out tomorrow."
I crawl off his lap and onto the empty space next to him. He lowered himself so that his head was on the pillow and he faced me.
"We're family,and I'll protect you no matter what."
I close my eyes and soon fell asleep with Leon close by.

Levinxreader (Starting Anew) [My stone heart is breaking BOOK 2] Where stories live. Discover now