Notice (2021 ADDITION)

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Helloo my dearest Kenickie's Girl readers :)

I just wanted to take the time to say thank you for the love I still to this day get on this story. It honestly blows my mind that this book gets read at all, much less enjoyed, I wrote it so young and still think it is hella cringe and definitely has so much room for improvement. I was asked to make more Kenickie books and I have honestly thought about it but I just don't know what to write about just yet.

However, I would love to edit and try to rewrite this story the way I wished I could have wrote it the first time. It will stay the same but I hope to bring a little more life into the story and a lot less cringe.. I dont know how long it will take me because I am a sad hooman who sometimes doesn't have the motivation to write but I am gonna start and give it my best! I dont imagine I will have to unpublish parts but then again I feel like I will sometimes if I am completely redoing things so new readers, bare with me :) thank you again for reading and taking time to read this... I hope you all like my recreation of the story.

yours truly.. ❤

Kenickie's Girl (UNDER HEAVY EDITING AND RECONSTRUCTION)Where stories live. Discover now