You Don't Know How to Let Go

Start from the beginning

"That's beyond cliché! How do you even expect me to believe you!"

"Stay with me, daughter of mine. See what we can do together! And if you don't like it, you may go."

"Then let me go now! I'm finishing this voyage with Jack and my friends."

"Your father, we've been over this. He's not a good man! He steals, he cheats!"

"Mom, you were wrong. What you told me my whole childhood were lies! Jack, dad, h—he's a good man! He's a pirate, of course! He's a bit selfish, he wants treasure! But that's every pirate, including you! At least Jack has a heart! He may not be good at showing it, but, he does.

"He's treated me better than you ever have."

"Come, I would like to show you something."

I reluctantly followed my mother, not knowing where she would lead me. But, where she did was nothing but breathtaking! It was a map of quite possibly the biggest island in existence! It looked so scrupulous; so tranquil!

"If you come with me, we can live on this island. This, mi querido is where I've been these past several years. We can live in peace, the both of us together!"

"M-Mom...." I choked, truly looking into her eyes for the first time since I was eight years old, tears welling up.

Why was I so convinced she was telling the truth?

"What about us? W-What about you?! Mom, are you going to throw away your pirate ways if you truly want to be with me again?"

"Of course, cariño. I've missed you so much! Let us please start over again." She beamed.

Perhaps everything clicked in place when I saw tears in my mother's eyes. I've never, ever seen her cry once in my life!

"Mom! I've missed you so much," I cried, hugging her with all my might.

"I've missed you so, my hermosa Agnes. You've grown into such the young lady." She chuckled, wrapping her arms around me.

My mom, she actually cares about me! I couldn't believe it...we could actually be a family again. I didn't know I'd ever be okay with my mother again.

"I'm so sorry I let you down, my dear Agnes. I promise, we can start over."

"I know, mom. You came back for me, that's all that matters."
(Emory's POV)

"JACK! JAACK!" We yelled, bursting through the bar doors.

Everyone looked at us like we were the craziest men alive. Merely seconds later, however, everyone returned to laughing, singing, and drinking. Jack gave us a glare, waiting for us to come over.

"Jack! My god we need help!" I slurred, not being able to pronounce my words at such a fast rate.

"Whoah Mr. Sackleson calm down and get yourself together! Yew both look like you've seen death itself!"

"Agnes! It's Agnes." Henry spoke, exasperated.

Jack's eyes looked mildly concerned.

"What about her?"

"S-She's gone! Me and Emory, we went into the shoppe to get some supplies...Agnes told us she'd stay right there! When we were done she was no where to be found! Jack, you've gotta help us!"

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