6. finding Octavia

Start from the beginning

"Let's get out of here." One of the delinquents said "its crazy." "I'm out of here." A few delinquents said.

"Go back if you want. My sister, my responsibility." Bellamy said and a few others turned back and left.

"I'd walk into hell to find her." Jasper said as he walked through the gates. "I think we just did."

"Raven, I know you just got her yesterday, but don't have time for this." Clarke said to Raven.

"Hurry up and save the world. Just like your mother." Raven said to the blonde. "I'm nothing like my mother."

"Relax. That's a compliment. Abby's a badass. The pod was her idea. It broke her heart not being able to come down with me, but she never stopped believing you were alive. My mom was awol most of my life. When she did show up, it was empty-handed. Pretty sure she had me just to trade in my rations for moonshine."

"How'd you survive?"

"Girl next door. Eden. She shared her rations. Remembered my birthday. Saved my life. She's my family."

"I got nothing. The tracks ended, we lost them." Finn said. "Wandering around aimlessly isn't going to help find your sister. We should backtrack."

"I'm not going back." Bellamy cut him off quickly.

"Hey where's john? I just saw him a second ago." Roma spoke up. "Spread out." Before they could even move, johns body feel from the trees, and unto the ground, his throat slit. "They use the trees. We shouldn't have crossed the boundary." They took off running. "Now can we go back?"

"How did you find this place?" Raven asked looking around the room of the bunker. "I didn't. Finn did. Hey, will this work?"

"RF. If we can find the controller, we'll be golden." Clarke and Raven looked in the boxes for it. Raven found it, and pulled it out of the box it was in. She sat it down, but thought of what she saw earlier. Eden and Bellamy. Honestly, Raven wasn't even sure why she was so worried about it. "Raven, are you okay?" She heard Clarke ask.

"I don't know." Raven let a tear fall but quickly wiped it away. "We need to get back to camp." She said, trying to get her mind off of Eden. "Raven, you can talk to me."

"I don't know you." She walked up the ladder of the bunker, and out into the woods. She walked into the woods, and heard Clarke walking behind her.

"What're we gonna do? They keep heading us off?"

"Just keep running." Eden said. "I can't run much longer! I'm not stopping for him! I'm sick of running anyway." Jasper said.

"Where's diggs?" Bellamy asked. They heard a scream, and ran off to it. They saw Roma Impaled by a spear against a tree. Bellamy shut her eyes. A horn filled the air. "What does that mean?" Jasper asked.

"Acid fog." Eden said, and Bellamy looked at her. "We need to take cover." They looked around and saw all the grounders had left due to the horn. Monroe pulled out a tent, and they took cover under that.

"How long are we supposed to wait? Will this even work?" Finn asked.

Bellamy lifted the tent, only to see no fog. "There's no fog." They put the tent up, and stood up from the ground. "Maybe it was a false alarm."

"Bellamy, they're coming back." Jasper said, and pointed to the ones that had come back out due to the false alarm. "Can we run? He doesn't see us."

"Raven what's wrong? You've barely said a word on the way back to camp."

"Is there anything going on between Bellamy and Eden?" Clarke looked at her confused. "I-I don't know, how the hell am I supposed to know that? Why would you think that?"

"Never mind. Forget I asked." Raven turned, and began working on the radio.

"Octavia." Octavia was chained up on the ground "Get the keys. Monroe, watch the entrance."

They heard footsteps behind them, and saw a grounder walk in. They knocked him out, and Octavia stood up. "He saved me. Don't hurt him." Octavia said, referring to the grounder on the ground. Finn bent down. "Foghorn." He mumbled., and picked it up. The grounder moved, and stabbed Finn in the stomach. They knocked him out again, and picked Finn up.

"Clarke! Get Clarke!" Clarke walked over. "Hey, I'm here." She saw Finn and told them to get him to the drop ship.

They got him there, and laid him on a bed. They pulled his shirt off. Eden was on one side of Finn, Clarke the other, and Raven worked on the radio. "I need my mother, she'd know what to do."

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