“How did she take it?” Jesse asked.

“She was in shock, she walked in and left me outside. I knew that she did not feel the same way, but I hoped that she would maybe open up and give it a chance. So, I went outside her bedroom window and waited for her to come back out. I sat in the cold for three and a half hours before she opened her window and invited me in.”

“Oh, wow!” Joss said.

“When I went in, she asked me what I loved about her, what I saw in her, why I had never said anything before, why then and a whole lot of other questions. We spoke for hours and I spent the night on her bedroom floor. The following morning, I woke up and went home. She didn’t talk to me for weeks, but then one day after class, she asked me how it was supposed to work. I told her that I was supposed to ask her out and she was supposed to say yes.”

Since Jesse and Joss were more drawn to the story, Jesse assumed the others had heard of it before, but nonetheless they listened intently.

“When she said okay, I was really surprised. We started going out and it was the best few months of my life. When her parents found out about us, they tried to oppose us and we tried to fight for us but they took her to Europe and transferred her to another school.”

“Did you ever see each other again?” Joss asked.

“Yes, about five years ago. She got married and has two kids.”

What a sad ending, Jesse thought. She saw a vulnerable side of Alex she’d not seen before. It may have all happened a decade ago, but it had impacted Alex and somehow made her into the person she was now.

Conversation continued, new topics coming up and alcohol was passed around the table, back and forth. When Jesse started feeling a little buzz, she excused herself and went out the porch to get some cool air. She heard the volume of the music being turned up and in a couple of minutes, the noise emanating from inside indicated that everyone was dancing.

She loved Alex’s friends. They were all so easy going, open minded and laid back.

“Having fun?”

She turned around to find Billy standing at the entrance, leaning back against the door. She had two glasses of wine in her hands.

“Yeah, I am,” Jesse said.

Billy smiled at her and then after a second, she walked over to her and handed her one of the glasses. “Good,” she said.

Jesse looked back at the sea. It was such a lovely sight. The moon radiated a glossy ray of light that created a scenic view upon the waters and the buzzing sound of waves combined made a sight right out of fantasy.

“It’s so beautiful,” she said.

“Yes, it truly is,” Billy said.

The way she said it made Jesse look at her, which made her wonder if she was referring to the sight or to her. How could she still flirt with her when Alex was right next door?

A moment later, Kim stepped out and joined them. “Hey, what are you guys up to?” she asked.

“Just drinking in this scenic view,” Jesse said.

“I know, isn’t it beautiful?” Kim asked.

“Breathtaking,” Jesse said.

“I loved your first crush/love story. You know, Billy here wasn’t very accurate with hers,” Kim said.

Jesse raised her eyebrow. “Really?”

“Yeah, she doesn’t like telling it so she always goes for the short unpleasant version.”

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