Take this chance

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"What did you say?!" Scourge growled and held Amy close as Sonic slowly moved forward. "

"You remember her, right. Your little Rosy..." Scourge lowly chuckles and shakes his head, "You're full of surprises. How the hell do you know about her?" "Heh, so you do know her?" "I know of her. What's it to you? How do you know her?" 

Sonic makes an evil smile, "I know she's your girlfriend." Scourge scoffed and smirked back, "And you're talking out your ass." 

Shadow folds his arms and walks up next to Sonic, "You know Sonic I think you're right. It would explain why he has Amy dressed like that." "What would you know you edgy bastard. I have Amy dressed like this because...well I mean doesn't she look adorable, Sonic?" At this point Scourge leans close to Amy's ear and licks it, making her squirm. Sonic clenched his fist and tried to keep his cool. 

"Come on Scourge. You're telling me you don't know this sexy, deranged-looking hedgehog." Sonic pulled out the photo and held it up, teasing him with his words. Scourge growled at Sonic and then was taken aback when he saw the picture. "Starting to look familiar, huh?" "How...how did you get that picture?" 

Sonic made a serious face and slightly moved forward with the photo still in the air, "Was she your girlfriend or not?!" He sighed and nodded,

"Yes, she was my girlfriend. Are you happy now? What was the point of knowing that?" Sonic nodded, "Where is she then?" "She's gone, dead, no longer living. Now stop asking questions and fight!!" He screamed out making Amy whimper. Scourge moved back and yanked Amy with him.

Sonic frowned at this and rolled his eyes, "Was she the reason you did all of this? Why you took Amy. I mean, looking at the way you have Amy dressed I can see that you still have some attachment to her." Sonic slightly moved forward and Scourge growled, "You don't know anything!" 

Shadow chuckled, "Something went down between you two and you ended up losing her, so to make up for it, you helped some sick bastard kidnap girls until you found the perfect girl. And you found Amy. The girl that reminded you so much of her, right?" Scourge laughed as he pulled a gun from his pocket and held it up to Amy's head, 

"You come here and instead of fighting for Amy you bring up my past and the things I do. Yet, you don't know a single thing about what you're talking about. I didn't do this for Rosy. She's dead and that's all there is. Now instead of putting your focus on my past why not come fight me for your girl. Aren't you concerned about what I can do to her? Or even I did to her," He drags Amy to a pole behind him and tie her hand tightly around it with rope. He throws the gun to the side and puts his hands up in a fighting stance. "Now, come fight me!" 

Sonic angrily growls at him and rushes towards him. Scourge grabs Sonic's arm and tosses him to the side. Shadow and Silver try to combo attack him but he dodges and knocks them towards the opposite of the room. Knuckle takes his time and has a hand to hand combat with Scourge. "Sonic now's your chance. Get Amy out of here!" "Oh no, you don't!" Scourge kicked Knuckles off of him and ran to grab Amy.

Sonic quickly got up and jumped kick Scourge in the back making him and Amy fall to the ground. Amy tried to crawl away but, Scourge pulled her back. He quickly stood up defensively with Amy behind him. He looked at Amy and then looked back at Sonic with a smirk, "No way hedgehog. This rose is mine. If you want her," He took off his jacket and threw it to the side, "You get through me." 

{Sonic} Campus LifeUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum