Chapter 3

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Knockturn Alley is a fucking maze! Worse than New York's subway system. I stopped at a dead end after wandering for what seemed like hours and saw a shop with a name I couldn't read, but the people inside seemed...familiar. But I didn't know anyone with hair that white blonde. Just as I was about open the door, someone else did and ran straight into me. At least I was paying enough attention to put up my hands and stop the boy about to walk over me. When he noticed my hands on his obviously very expensive jacket, he glared at me like I was scum. I deflated a bit and walked away, back on my quest to find Mulpepper's.

Which, luckily, was right next door! Upon entering, I saw the lack of customers and thought he had left and as I turned to leave, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned back and saw Severus motioned toward the rows of toad's eyes, monksbane, and other potion parts (I hope). The entire time we were there, he didn't say a word, just handed me random jars to carry. So I just followed him, carrying random jars.

"Sir?" I asked. His head barely turned my way. "If possible, could I perhaps take some extra classes? In an attempt to catch up." My request seemed to frustrate him, as he just scoffed and I felt the weight of my shame.

"I do not have time this year, but if a tutor is required we will know in time," he finally said. Severus walked to the front counter, instructing me to place the various sized jars upon said counter. The slightly hunched man standing behind it looked at the jars, then Severus, and nodded slightly before packing the jars into a box. After handing the man several Galleons, Severus placed the box into my arms and led us out of Mulpepper's.

On my way here, I had failed to notice the people (if you could call them that) lounging about Knockturn Alley; hunched, cloaks pulled tight around their thin, frail bodies, warts sticking out from the shadows they called home. They watched me with interest, perhaps too much interest, yet they saw Severus and quickly found other things to occupy their time. Without him, I most likely would not have walked out of Knockturn Alley alive. Needless to say, I breathed a little easier once we stepped back on Diagon Alley.

"Have you been to Gringotts yet?" Severus asked.

"Yes, sir," I replied, "but I haven't gotten my supplies yet."

"All your books and potions ingredients are at Hogwarts already. You mearly have to be fitted for your robes and find a wand."

"Actually, sir, I believe I found a wand," I chimed, pulling out my wand box. Severus seemed impressed and began moving toward what I could only assume is the robe shop.

"This is Madam Malkin's. Here, you will be able to purchase your robes," Severus drawled. As we stepped in, a woman of Mrs. Weasley's stature (short, stout, and radiating power) rushed me. Severus took the potion box just before they hit the ground. The woman, Madam Malkin I'm guessing, muttered under her breath, summoning a magical tape measure to size me.

"Are you from Hogwarts, dear?" she asked.

"I'm a transfer student," I simply put. She must not've been expecting an American in her shop, as my accent surprised her. Only for a moment, as she began smiling slightly before grabbing my wrist. The seamstress pulled me to a pedestal in the midst of many, many rows of robes of every color from black to white to putrid, vomit-colored orange.

"Here, try this on," she said, handing me a set of pure black robes. As I pulled the material on, it shrank to reveal the pale, almost alabaster skin covering my hands in stark contrast to the midnight cloth surrounding them. The bottom hem grew toward the floor, cloaking my feet in darkness. With my first set sized correctly, I removed them and moved to the next set, with it changing as the first had. The third set was perfect upon inspection, so I paid for the robes and made my way outside, in search of Severus.

Of course, he was nowhere in sight. I looked around, and spotted a certain blond who looked very familiar. Judging by his dark outfit/demeanor, he might know where Severus is.

"Excuse me, sir?" I called, moving toward him. He either didn't hear me, or ignored me. "Sir?" I tapped his shoulder and by the look on his face, you'd have thought I just threw up on his designer shoes. "I'm sorry to bother you, but do you happen to know where Severus Snape is?" His face changed from pure disgust to mere annoyance.

"What would he want with a filthy little mudblood?" the boy said with a sneer. Passersby gasped at this word, yet I stood confused.

"Not to be ignorant, but what's a 'mudblood'?" I whispered. The blond boy looked at me incredulously as I stood confuzzled.

"How dim are you?" he asked.

"Well," I started, shifting my robes to a more comfortable position, "considering I just found out I'm a witch two days ago, I'm not nearly as bright as I should be." This time, he looked confused and I took the chance to introduce myself. "By the way, I'm Belinda Faust. It's nice to meet you."

"Did you say, 'Faust'?" he asked seriously, to which I nodded. "I'll take you to Severus." The blond boy walked off, and I followed closely, not wanting to lose him in the crowd. I discreetly watched everyone around us, and they were looking at and away from us quickly, whispering unheard words behind their hands. I felt the need to glare, yet had no clue as to why. Were they afraid of what we might hear? Or what we might do?

"Ah, it seems young Draco has found a friend," came a smooth, intimidatingly deep voice. I looked up to see a taller version of my guide (Draco?) looking down at me (not just because of his height, either).

"Hello, sir. I'm looking for Severus Snape," I said. The tall blond looked at my face for a moment, then tapped someone off to his side. The other person turned, revealing Severus's natural scowl. "I've gotten my robes, sir. Is there anything else you need?"

"No, Belinda. Thank you," he answered.

"'Belinda'? Why does that name sound familiar?" queried the tall man.

"She's a Faust, father," Draco drawled, causing his father's eyes to grow to softball size as he turned to Severus.

"Faust? Severus, you know the others-"

"Let us discuss this at another time, Lucius," Severus interrupted. "Belinda, perhaps you should find a Weasley to get you back. Draco, accompany her." Draco nodded, grabbed my arm, and dragged me away into the crowd before I had time to process any of what happened.

Draco navigated the droves of witches and wizards with ease, never letting me drift away. Within moments, we had arrived at Flourish & Blotts and I could hear Mrs. Weasley inside scolding Ron.

"Here is where I leave you," Draco muttered.

"Thank you, sir. May I ask your name?" He seemed to suppress a look of disgust at my request, but nonetheless replied, "Malfoy. Draco Malfoy."

"Thank you, Mr. Malfoy. I hope to see you at Hogwarts," I said in parting. He nodded and disappeared into the crowd just as I felt a hand on my back.

"What the hell are you doing with Malfoy?"

I turned to see Harry, with Ron not far behind, fairly pissed off. "Draco? He was helping me get back here, and he led me to Severus. Why are you-?"

"Malfoy is no good, Belinda," Harry started.

"I'm warning you now, stay away from Malfoy. He's done nothing but torment us for five years," Ron finished, coming to stand next to Harry.

"O-ok, I didn't know," I stuttered, shrinking slightly. Harry and Ron calmed down, seeing my reaction.

"We're not mad," Ron started.

"We just don't want you getting hurt," Harry finished. I nodded, wanting to end this encounter. The boys wrapped their arms around me, then quickly removed them, glaring momentarily at each other.

"Where's everyone else?" I asked.

"Fred and George are at their shop, Mum's inside with Ginny and Hermione, and Remus is..." Ron answered. I waited for him to finish, but realized he had no clue.

"Most likely went home," Harry said. "If you want to go back, I'll come with."

"Actually, I want to check out the twins' joke shop, if you guys don't mind," I pondered. They nodded and off we went (after dropping my robes off with Mrs. Weasley).

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2017 ⏰

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