Chapter 2

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"Belinda? Belinda, are you awake, dear?" 'I am now,' I thought. Mom seemed to want my attention, but I was still slightly pissed at her and dad, so I kept 'sleeping.' "I wish this didn't have to happen, but you're safer here. Just know we love you. Always." Then she kissed my forehead and I heard a pop then nothing. I sat up and looked around. I laid back down for a while realizing what my mom just did. She left.

"Lumos." Once again, Severus' voice filled the room, along with light from his wand. "Your mother and father have left you in my care, Ms. Faust. I know not where they have gone, do not ask." It's like he could read my mind. "In a few hours, Mrs. Weasley will take you to Diagon Alley. Once you procure your items for class, go to Knockturn Alley and look for a shop with the name Mulpepper's Apothecary. I will be waiting inside. Until then, have a good day, Belinda." And then another pop and he's gone, with his light.

'Lumos,' I thought. 'That must be the spell for light.' SInce I was sitting in complete darkness, I thought I'd try it out. "Lumos," I said. Nothing happened. "Lumos!" Still nothing. "LUMOS, GOGDAMNIT!" I shouted. A little ball of light appeared in front of my face. I poked at it with my finger and it moved. The ball of light didn't feel warm, cold, or anything else. It just was. I cupped my hands around it and brought the ball towards my heart, stopping at my chest. The door opened and the ball disappeared.

"Belinda, are you up?" Harry asked. I was really glad he didn't see my ball of light; Hermione did say you need a wand to do magic, and since I was still wandless...

"I'm up, Harry. What's up?" I replied. He came in, turned on the lights, and closed the door. He sat on the bed, at the end, with his head in his hands. I scooted up next to him and wrapped my arm around his shoulder. He seemed startled, but relaxed after a moment. "Harry, I know you don't know me really at all, but if you need to talk, I'll listen." He looked my way, contemplating if he should trust me. He must not, considering he said nothing. I just patted his shoulder and retracted my arm. "So, what did you need?"

"Oh, Mrs. Weasley sent me to wake you up for breakfast," he said standing. I stood up as well and followed him out the door.

"I have a question," I said as we walked downstairs. "Why are you famous?" He stopped for a second, then continued walking.

"You-Know-Who killed my parents when I was a baby. He tried to kill me, but I survived. Which I guess is why I'm famous," he said. "You-Know-Who died trying to kill me, and all I got was this scar." He pulled his hair back to show a lightning bolt scar above his right eyebrow. I was tempted to poke it, 'cause it looked fresh even though it was years old, but figured he'd think that was weird (which it is weird to go around poking people's scars). "Ever since then, he's been trying to come back. He wants to take over the wizarding world and kill me. Between you and me," he said quietly, "he came back last year. No one believes me, but I saw him. I saw him come back. I saw him-" He stopped talking and looked away. I hadn't realized how loud his voice had gotten until he silenced it. He kept walking downstairs and I figured he had dropped the topic until I heard him whisper, "I saw him kill Cedric." I kept my mouth shut and kept walking.

We reached the first floor, and I heard a pop, then felt like someone was watching me. I turned around and saw two gingers watching me from above. They smiled and disappeared before reappearing in the doorway in front of Harry.

"Just because you're 17 does not mean you need to whip your wands out for everything!" Came a voice from behind them. A short, slightly stout woman with lots of red hair followed the voice and shooed the boys to the table. Once she saw Harry and I, she smiled and hugged us. "It's so good to see you both," she said. Harry went to eat and I stayed put with...? "I'm Molly Weasley, Ron's mum." It's like she can read my mind. What the hell? "Come along, dear, before breakfast gets cold. Or Ron eats everything," she said with a chuckle.

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