Chapter 1

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((Hello, everybody! Just wanted to mention, this story is in one of my AU's where Remus wasn't in Gryffindor but Slytherin [dont hate me], and he befriended Severus along with the rest of the Marauders. That is not to say Severus was completely accepted, of course; James and Sirius just picked on him less when Remus was around. Also, have some stats on Belinda; Belinda Faust: 15, technically emo (used to cut, listens to dark music and screamo, wears all black, dyed her hair black w/red streaks), lives in New York with her parents Jaison and Basilisa Faust. Anyway, on with the story! Hope you like it!))

"Mom, I'm home!" I yelled as I entered my house.

"I'm in the living room!" Mom answered. I set my bag down and went to find her. She was sitting on the couch, reading a magazine. I sat down next to her and started telling her about my day.

"The most interesting part was I ran into someone on the way home," I said, concluding my uneventful day.

"Oh? Who was it?" She asked.

"I'm not sure, but it felt like I knew her," I said. She looked up from her magazine worriedly.

"What was she wearing?" I thought that was a weird question, but i told her anyway.

"Black robes," I said. "Oh, and she had a big hood covering her face. I tried to find her, but she seemed to disappear into the crowd." Even though there was no crowd, I thought. Mom stood up and told me to go pack my clothes, and to meet her in the basement in half an hour. I nodded warily and went to my room.

I grabbed my suitcase and stuffed my band shirts, skinny jeans, and my undergarments into it. I still had room left, so I went to my closet and took my dresses out, packed them and then shut my suitcase. My purse was still on my bed, so I picked it up and stuffed my phone charger, hairbrush, and some other things into that bag, then went downstairs.

"Jaison, it's time," I heard my mom say while I was on the stairs. I heard her hang up the phone shortly after, and she went to the basement. I followed her down, and saw her standing in front of an unlit fireplace.

"Mom, what's going on?" I asked as she turned towards me with a fist full of...dust? Ashes? I couldn't tell.

"I'll tell you once-"

"Basilisa! I'm home!" Came my dad's voice. He came running downstairs to us. "Have you told her yet?" He asked mom. She shook her head and threw the dust into the fireplace, making the fireplace roar with green flame.

Wait. Green flame?! "Belinda, come here," she called.

"Tell me what's going on, first," I said backing to the wall.

"I'm sorry Lindy, but there isn't time," dad said reaching for me. He grabbed my arm as mom grabbed his shoulder and the door to the basement opened.

Soon after I felt like I was being pulled through a garden hose, stretched into taffy, call it what you will, it was uncomfortable. We landed on what felt like concrete, at least to my face. I tried to stand up, but as soon as my legs were under my body, they gave out and I started throwing up.

"That'll happen at first," mom said behind me. I soon felt her hand rubbing circles on my back in comfort. Once I regained some control of my stomach I glared at them both.

"What, the hell did you just do?" I (somewhat) demanded, panting.

"We'll explain everything once we're inside," dad said.

He nodded at mom and she said "My name is Basilisa Faust, and I am the Secret Keeper of Number 12 Grimmauld Place." Behind me came this rumbling and as I turned toward it, a building grew from in-between two others. I stood up and watched in amazement as mom and dad dragged me to the newly grown fence. They held the gate open and I realized they wanted me to walk through. I watched their faces as they watched everywhere around us, and dad held a stick quite menacingly.

Belinda, You're a WitchWhere stories live. Discover now