Hello it's me

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Hello it's me
The girl you call a nerd
The silent one
The girl who is unheard
I'm that girl
You always shove in the halls
The girl without emotion
Because every night I bawl
The one who hides her face with her hair
So you won't see my blood shot eyes
Because I get high every night
And I always cry
I'm the one always wearing long sleeves
To cover the scars, cuts, and burns
I'm just too addicted
So I'll never learn
I'm the one who is suicidal
The one cutting her wrist
The one who is unknown
So I'll never be missed
So I'm just going to end it
I won't hurt anyone because I have no friends
So goodbye for now
Because this is the end
Don't even bother crying
Don't wear a suit and tie
Because you don't even care
So don't cry to lie when I die
Goodbye cruel world
I'm so tired of being alive
So here lays my body
Late in the night

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