Hello Boys

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Adam POV
I can't believe that my sweet daughter had switched off her humanity again and now she is even more dangerous and wicked than before when she had her humanity turned off and how will I ever get her back to being kindhearted and sweet again because if she doesn't switch her humanity back on I will lose her forever.

Tommy POV
I can't believe that jerk hurt Lonnie and if I see him I'm gonna cause major harm for him because nobody and I mean nobody hurt my daughter and than they expect forgiveness. I truly am gonna help addy and Sylvester return London to her kindhearted side if it is the last thing that I do.

Sylvester POV
I hate seeing my oldest sister without her humanity and she is a totally a different person who killed and torture for her entertainment and I wish that it was a way to make her kindhearted again.

When London saw her parents and youngest brother she giggled evilly jumping off of the bar table and she said " Hello boys what bring you all here to the party", Adam sighed softly saying " Please come home sweetie because we all miss you", when London heard this she just laughed evilly saying " I am home and I'm not coming back papa", Sylvester said " Lonnie New York is your home not Mystic Falls". London smirked evilly saying " Mystic Falls is my home and New York is not my home anymore". Than she began killing more innocent humans and went back to dancing with Stefan and she kisses his neck and drank his blood and giggled evilly waving at her parents and baby brother.

Adam sighed as he drank a bottle of whiskey and he notice Bonnie and Enzo at the party and he just walked away with Tommy and Sylvester and he needed another plan to save his daughter.

Meanwhile at the party Bonnie was very impressed that her daughter had switched off her humanity and became more evil and darker and extremely sassy. So she walked over and said " The darkness feel good doesn't it London", when London saw her mother she laughed evilly and said " Yes it does feel great mommy", Bonnie chuckled darkly and said " Come back with your father and I sweetie and I'll teach you everything about the darkness". London said " Okay mommy I will return home back to you and daddy". Enzo walked over and said " Hello darling welcomed home again".

Oh no London has returned back to Bonnie and Enzo and she is such a heartless dark girl without her humanity but she also sassy too.
What should Adam and Tommy next plan of action be to save London

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