Against Immigration

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"Mel." JJ said, walking up to me. "The press is outside and we're about to deliver the profile. You think you can go talk to them?"

"Yeah, sure." I nodded.


"No problem."

I walked out of the police station and all I could see was flashes and the yells of the reporters, hoping to get some dirt on the UnSub.

"Do you have anything on the Immigrate Killer?" one girl asked.

"We at the FBI would appreciate it if you stopped calling the UnSub that. Naming them will only feed their ego more." I said.

"Do you have anything, though?" the reporter asked again.

"We believe that the UnSub knows these girls and considering they both went to the same school, we're assuming he's a teacher. He's kidnapping girls that are between the ages of 16-18 on their way home from school. We'd like to warn any South European families with teen daughters. Please pick them up and drop them off to school. Make sure you know where they are at all times and we'll catch this guy as soon as we can."

"Is there any reason he's killing South European girls?" a male reporter asked.

"We're not sure. We're still trying to figure that out." I replied.

They seemed satisfied and began to leave.

"Man, the media is fast, aren't they?"

I jumped as Officer Franco appeared beside me. Ever since I caught him giving me a creepy look, I've been trying to keep my distance or at least have someone else in the room with me when he was around.

"Yeah. I wonder how they manage to get this stuff sometimes." I said, trying to play it cool.

"There's been another killing. SSA Hotchner wanted me to come down here to tell you he wants you and Dr. Blake to the crime scene." he told me.

"Alright. Thank you for passing on the message." I said.

Officer Franco gave me a smile and turned to leave. He still creeped me out.

Alex came out of the station and we went to one of the SUVs. She drove since she knew where we were going.

"So, what's the low down on this one?" I asked.

"This girl is from Portuguese decent. Her name was Amanda Rodrigues. She was going to turn 18 next week. There's something different about her death, though."

"Different MO?" I asked.

"No. Different kill sight. She wasn't killed in an ally way, she was killed at her house."

I looked at Alex is surprise, taking in this information. This was a huge change.

"So, has he become more comfortable with killing?" I questioned.

"Or is he trying to throw us off?" Alex finished.

We pulled up to the Rodrigues house. It was taped off in the yellow police tape. Alex and I pulled on some blue gloves and entered the house.

Poor Amanda was in the kitchen. She lay, face up, her eyes wide, mouth half opened, probably screaming for help.

"Look at this." I said. "There's things knocked onto the floor. When she realized she was in danger, she probably made a break for it."

"Only to have the UnSub get her anyways." Alex said. "She matches the victimology. Medium sized, 5'7", 120 pounds, long brown hair, brown eyes, tanned skin-"

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