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The moment I walked into the BAU, I seen Spencer at his desk. Relief and anger filled me as I walked over to his desk. I stood there for a moment, but he didn't acknowledge my presence.

"We need to talk." I said.

"About what?" Spencer asked, his voice cold. He didn't look at me when he spoke, which made me a lot angrier.

"About the fact that you walked out on me last night. I was worried half to death! Was a text or a phone call too much?" I said. He didn't reply. "Look, Spencer. I know I made you upset, but I wasn't blaming you. I was just saying that I don't want you to have to quit your job and I don't want Haley to leave her place of birth."

Spencer flipped through the file he was looking at before getting up. He began to walk away and that's when the anger really got to me.

"Spencer Reid!" I snapped. The whole room went quiet as Spencer stopped and turned to look at me. "Can't we have a conversation without you walking away?"

"I don't know Melanie. Can we?" he retorted.

"Don't 'Melanie' me! I just wanna talk about this!"

"Well I don't, so leave it alone!"

He turned to leave again, but I wasn't letting him walk away that easily. At least, not without making him feel guilty.

"Do you know what your 3 year old daughter asked me this morning?" I asked. "She asked if daddy left us. Didn't you make a big deal about not being like your father, Spencer? And what did your father do? He left you. You're doing the same thing to Haley and I and just because of something stupid like a job offering! Spencer, your 3 year old daughter is upset because she thinks daddy left us."

Spencer stood there for a moment. He didn't speak and didn't move. The office was quiet. I sighed in frustration and went to my office.

I collapsed into my chair and buried my face in my hands and began to cry. I didn't need my whole relationship with the man that I loved crumbling for this little reason. It wasn't fair.

I heard a knock on my door. I quickly shot up to look at Penelope. She gave me a sympathetic look.

"Hey, Blondie." I said. "What's up? We got a case?"

"No, but just about the whole office heard your spat with Boy Genius." she said. "You okay?"

"Honestly, no." I said. "I can't believe we had a fight this bad. He probably hates me."

"He came over to our house last night." Penelope said, coming into my office and sitting in the chair across from me. "He didn't say much. Just said you two fought and he wanted to stay there the night."

"Haley asked me if daddy left us, Penelope. Do you know how hard that is to hear from a 3 year old?"

"I don't know. I honestly don't, but I can feel your pain." she said. "Derek and I have an announcement if you wanna come join us."

I groaned, realizing that would mean facing Spencer, but this was Penelope and she was one of my best friends, so I decided to go with her. She led me into the Conference Room. Spencer looked up at me when I walked in, but I tried to ignore him.

I sat next to Sara three chairs away from Spencer. Derek and Penelope stood in the front of the room.

"What's this about?" asked Alex.

"Well, Derek and I have an announcement." Penelope said. "Two really."

"The first one may come as a surprise to you guys, but Derek Morgan is settling down and getting into a committed relationship with his Baby Girl."

"Wait." I said. "Are you two telling us you're getting married?"

Penelope and Derek smiled at each other. Just like Penelope when I announced I was pregnant, I was the first one up to give her a hug. She chuckled and hugged me back.

"This is so amazing! You guys are the perfect couple." I said.

"There is a part two to that announcement, actually." she continued. "Unlike me at your wedding, I've decided to make you my Maid of Honor."

"Oh my God!" I exclaimed and hugged her again. Everyone chuckled and got up to hug Penelope and Derek.

Out of the corner of my eye, I watched Spencer give Derek a fist bump and he turned to me. I turned away and made sure to keep my distance from him. I was mad. Deep down, I knew I was mad.

"Wait, didn't you guys say you had two announcements?" JJ pointed out. Everyone nodded and said something at the same time.

"Okay, okay. Quiet down and we'll tell you guys." Derek chuckled. "Baby Girl, wanna give them the next big announcement?"

"I'd love to." Penelope said. "You may wanna stay standing up because you'll end up jumping up anyways. Does anyone remember the case about the married couple who used to get the females pregnant so they'd have a son to replace theirs?"

Uncle Aaron, JJ and Spencer nodded. Sara, Alex and I, however, continued to remain confused.

"You'll hear that story later." Penelope told us. "Anyways, that day, I mentioned the genetically perfect offspring of Penelope Garcia and Derek Morgan. In about 7 months time, we will meet that perfect offspring."

"You're pregnant!" JJ squealed. Penelope smiled and JJ and I quickly bounded to give her a hug again.

"Oh my God! This is amazing!" I said. "Do you guys have any names picked out or anything?"

"We have been thinking." Derek said. "If it's a boy, Doll Face here wants to name it after my father."

"And if it's a girl, Stud Muffin over her wants to name her after my mother." Penelope added. Derek put an arm around her and gave her a small kiss.

"You two are so cute!" Sara stated. "I know we haven't known each other long, but I'd be honored to be a Bride's Maid."

"Actually, all of you are gonna be Bride's Maids." Penelope said. "Well, except Mel, of course."

"Again, I'm honored to be your Maid of Honor and, if I had my time back, I'd definitely had made you mine. It's just, JJ and I were so close." I said.

"It's okay Girl Genius. I understand." she chuckled.

"What about the Best Man?" Alex asked. "Have you picked him out yet?"

"Of course. We were hoping that Boy Genius would be the Best Man." Derek said and slung an arm over Spencer's shoulder. I looked over at him. Our eyes met for a millisecond before I looked away and decide to go back to my chair.

"I'd love to." Spencer said. "Thanks, Morgan."

"No problem." Derek said. "Also, we've invited Rossi to come. He just finished his new book and said he was going to go on a tour to promote it, but he said he'd try to come."

"That's fantastic you guys." Uncle Aaron said, sounding generally happy.

"Thanks Boss Man." Penelope said. "You all are dismissed if you wish to go back to what you were doing before."

I stayed sat down in my chair. I bit my nail and waited as everyone left. It was just Spencer and I after a while. He collected his things and threw a short glance to me. I continued staring ahead, biting a hangnail.

He opened his mouth as if he was going to say something. I closed my eyes, waiting for whatever he was about to say. However, nothing came out. I heard the shuffling of papers and footsteps. I opened my eyes and turned to see that he had left.

Decisions (4th Book in the Boss's Niece Series)Where stories live. Discover now