Chapter 17 - Shower Kiss

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"So true, just 'cos her brother's so dreamy and perfect doesn't give her any good points!" a third voice pitched.

"I still can't believe Kelvin is falling for her tricks... you should really tell him off."

As the first voice spoke again I realized who was on the other side of the door and as their words sank in I let my hand fall as I figured out who they were most likely talking about.

Sighing in relief, I moved through the doors, but to my surprise the three girls had already moved further into the locker room. But the soft movement that echoed off the walls, it didn't take me long to know that they were nearly at the showers, located at the back of the locker room.

Before I knew what I was doing, I found myself following their lowered voices.

"Hey Mia, this is a surprise!" Laura stated stonily.

"I never thought those who didn't participate in extra activities even knew where the showers were." A second voice trailed off.

"Well, why would they need to Meg? It's not like they'll ever need it, right?"" the third voice said.

I moved closer and stopped short of the others seeing me. Laura, Meg and Gale stood at the entrance to the showers. Their positions told me immediately that they were blocking off the path for someone on the inside. Craning my neck around Gale, my interest increased as I caught sight of Mia Angel standing, fully clothed, with her back to the three girls in the showers.

By the basket under her arm I guessed she had probably just finished her shower and had been about to leave. Laura, standing in the centre of the trio, moved closer to their target ensuring that the others could watch her every move.

"Hear that klutz? Showers are for people actually doing sports!" Laura chided.

Leaning against the pillar that kept me from their sights, I watched as the normally quiet Angel twin turned slowly to confront her tormentors. I was surprised to see that the shocked and scared look I, and no doubt the others, had expected to see was instead a look of complete disinterest and boredom.

"What do you want Laura?" Mia asked her tone indifferent. The other three girls seemed to be just as surprised as I felt.

"Look who has some sass!" Laura remarked as she stepped aside, trying to hide the fact that she was caught off-balance. The other two giggled in response as they stepped forward.

"You sure you wanna give us attitude Mia?" Gale sneered as she began moving around. Meg went the opposite direction and Mia was soon surrounded by the girls.

"I don't think I see your stuck-up bodyguard around anywhere..." Meg waved her hands around the empty showers.

I suppressed the urge to throw something at her as she lowered her arms and began giggling.

It was a well-known fact that Amy didn't like any form of bullying to happen around her and more often than not that allowed Mia Angel a reprieve from many unnecessary assaults. But the thing I hated most was what many of the others didn't see and that was the real reason Mia always seemed to benefit from Amy's protection.

It had taken a week for me to notice, after all, having known Amy for over ten years made it near impossible to ignore when she took any interest in something. Her always being around when Mia was near danger had been something I wanted to be nothing more than coincidence, but I never was one to believe in such fantasy. The whole thing had been one of the reasons I had put the Angels in my dislike pile. I could still feel the anger from the first time I had caught Amy watching Mia, her eyes lost and longing.

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