Prilly T. - "Washing Machines"

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A/N: WARNING: This song is extremely graphic and may be too disturbing for some. It is from a concept album called “Dear Rudiff,” about a sociopathic Iraqi war veteran who is writing letters to an old friend from the battlefield. Read/listen to at your own risk.

Prilly T: For real, this Renekton shit is awesome!
I - I feel like I’m seeing the whole world in a bunch of different colors
Bunch of different...colors
Umm...and I stall

Dear Rudiff,

I pre-drank my fall
Guess what?
The cost of a lesson learned is not always forgiven, but I’ve driven past the point of no return
Can’t see me running out of words
And sure, I could probably even sketch you something
It’s a regret every time I see this salt-water reflection
Looking pale, I guess I misplaced the directions to my soul
Ha, results of insurrection
But I wish you’d seen it when I marched into that room
Was howling, “Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to my Christmas!
Watch me separate these shifting fingers from this fist-less paw.”
Then they all jumped up to resist me, but distance was too far
Oh! And I tried to move the bottom of the sea - couldn’t get a grip
This one’s kinda hard to explain…
But I mean, between you and me, I wasn’t seeing things straight
That shit she put me on was not agreeing with me
I’m still feeling a teensy bit out there…

And it’s hard to get close now, for me
‘Cause some people just seem like washing machines

I was at the laundromat hoping you’d hit me back
So to kill some time, I try to unwind by talking up this cat
He had this interesting padlock on a belt, and a mohawk
I don’t really affiliate with people like that, but goddamn, this guy was so cool!
Free-throws with his laundry just like he was swishing hoops
Got that plaid interior inside his combat boots
Stomped across the aisle like he was shooting up a school
I said, “Dude, you’ve gotta meet my buddy, Rudiff!
The next time he’s in town, I will be sure to introduce you to him!”
Gave me a nod of respect, and then went on with the rest of his set
I regret even talking to him
See, I don’t just put myself out there
Just ‘cause people only pout and bitch about shit
I wish I gave a fuck
Went into my trunk to get a bucket
He kinda pissed me off, I wanna slice open his stomach
Make him watch as he bleeds out, and laugh as he freaks out
How funny would it be in this scene, to watch his bowels explode in the shape of a <3
Is it just me, or are people not that friendly anymore?

And it’s hard to get close now, for me
‘Cause some people just seem like washing machines
Makes me sick to the bone to believe
There are people who settle for being washing machines

Long story short, it was time for a reckoning
I beckoned him over, prepared to full-force wrecking ball his face
His eyes went wide, the time was nigh!
“And now you die - “ Wait!
But then he started sweet talking
“Weren’t you the guy that broke into that corporate office with the cat?
And you tried to make its fingers disappear - just like that!
Yo, I heard you got arrested.”
I said, “It was just magic, but I guess they weren’t impressed with it.”
Then we talked it up for like an hour or two
Uh, I guess he is my friend but he’s got nothing on you
The point I’m trying to make is that this person, give or take, was really great
And I guess I kinda learned something
Some people seem like they’re useless ‘til you give them a use
Like, what’s a washing machine if there’s no laundry to do?
I’m pondering truth while I am writing to you
Because honestly, I can’t be open about this with anyone else

- Tru

And it’s hard to get close now, for me
‘Cause some people just seem like washing machines
Makes me sick to the bone to believe
There are people who settle for being washing machines

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