Chapter 7

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The weather had changed and Ryan and Natasha found themselves trapped inside the house. The storm was raging around them, all the cell networks were down and the electricity kept surging. Both of them had resided to the lounge, Ryan had lit a fire and Molly was sleeping on the couch beside Natasha.

"I can't remember the last time, the weather was this bad" Ryan was laid on the sofa opposite Natasha "In fact yes I can" he was reminded of the night he had spent with his sister and Brent.

"The last time the weather was this bad...I ended up pregnant with Molly" Tasha's cheeks reddened when she realised what she had said "Crap, sorry I wasn't hinting at anything" she stuttered causing Ryan to laugh.

"It's okay, I wasn't expecting you to jump me or anything" He joked,which made Tasha relax a little "She wasn't planned then?"

"Not really, it's complicated" Tasha smiled awkwardly and Ryan held his hands up.

"I'm not fishing for details" he quickly reassured her before standing up "I've got an idea how we can entertain ourselves" after a few moments he came back with a chess board "You can play right?"

"Yeah, I was school champion for three years running" Tasha grinned "Undefeated actually"

"Well prepare to be defeated...I held the record" Ryan seemed proud and confident.


"Check mate" Tasha smirked as she moved her final piece. Ryan pulled his hands behind his head.

"Oh man" he sighed "How did I not see that coming?" he laughed.

"Like I said, undefeated" Tasha teased.

"Well my mom always told me to be gentlemanly in situations like this..." Ryan helped Tasha pack the board away.

"Oh so let me win?" Tasha laughed loudly "Of course you did" she added. As they picked up the board their hands met, both Ryan and Tasha hesitated, before moving forwards.

Just as their lips were about to meet, Molly let out a whimper and then a cry "Oh it's okay baby" Tasha turned quickly to her daughter and Ryan put the board in the box and returned the lid.

"Is she alright?" Ryan wondered as he looked over Molly who was still asleep on the sofa.

"Yeah it must have been a dream" Tasha was stroking her head.


The next morning was like waking up in a completely different place, the weather was calm, compared to the violent storm the previous night.

Tasha had woke up early and decided to go for a run, while Molly was still sleeping. It wasn't something she did alot, but Tasha wanted to clear her head. She couldn't believe how close she had come to kissing Ryan. Getting involved with another guy was not an option right now. Tasha knew it would only end badly and she didn't want Ryan to end up hurt...or worse.

Tasha's steady pace was interrupted by her cell phone buzzing in her pocket 'You can't run forever, I will find you'

Tasha felt sick to her stomach as she read the text message. Her heart raced as she turned and ran back towards the house.


Ryan was in the kitchen making Molly some breakfast. He had found Tashas note saying she had nipped out and she would be long. He was just adding milk to some cereal when Tasha came through the door with a crash "Molly, MOLLY!" she yelled frantically.

"Tasha" Ryan was concerned as he watched the young mum grabbing Molly off the floor and wrapping her arms tightly around her "What's wrong?"

"We have to leave" Tasha replied "It's not safe here anymore"

"What?" Ryan exclaimed as he followed Tasha into her bedroom, he watch for a few minutes as Tasha put Molly in her travel cot and started frantically packing some things into a bag "Tasha stop" Ryan put his hand on Tasha's arm and made her put the bag down.

"Please Ryan, it's not safe anymore he knows" Tasha sniffed, Ryan's concerns grew even more "If he finds me here he'll take Molly and kill you"

"TASHA" Ryan yelled "You're not making any sense, who are you running from...her dad, you're ex?"

"My Ex" Tasha sniffs and sits down on the bed, Ryan sits beside her "But he isn't Molly's dad. That's why he's...he found out and wasn't happy"

"But that's no reason to kill..."Ryan was trying to piece together Tasha's vague information "Tasha you're gonna have to give me more than this to..."

"My ex Shaun is a very dangerous man" Tasha explained "He's involved in things I can't explain without putting you at risk..."

"Did he do something to you? Is that why you ran?" Ryan asked and Tasha just stares at him.

"I want to tell you, I do"Tasha sniffed "But if I do..."

"I can protect you if you tell me" Ryan tried to reassure Tasha, but she just laughed lightly at his suggestion.

"That's a nice idea Ryan, but you don't understand. Shaun didn't do anything to me, it was me who...I lied and double crossed him. I gave evidence to the police thinking they could keep me safe" Tasha started to open up "I shouldn't be telling you this...I'm sorry"

"Tasha I've let you stay in my house" Ryan was becoming frustrated "Thinking you were just running from an abusive relationship and all this time you have possibly been putting my life at risk? Why? Who is he?"

"Ryan I can't" Tasha exhaled, she tried to stand up but Ryan stopped her.

"Listen I know your scared, but if you tell me maybe I can help"

"You can't" Tasha tried to move away "Just trust me, please. It's better for us both if we pretend I was never here"


A tall blonde haired man stood in the doorway of the recording studio "Can I help you man?" Eddie wondered what the man wanted.

"Yes I hope so, I was told by the hospital that I might find my sister here? Her name is Renee Carlstone...might go by the name of Natasha?" the man smiled politely.

"Oh you mean Tasha?" Eddie replied "She hasn't been here today"

"Do you know where I might find her? I've been trying to call her on her cell phone but it's disconnected" The man glanced on the desk that was near the door.

"Oh I can get you her cell number" Eddie walked towards his coat, as he turned his back the man picked up an envelope that had Ryan's name and home address on it. He quickly put it in his jacket pocket, before Eddie turned back around.

"There you go man" Eddie handed the man a scrap of paper "That's the best I can do I'm afraid, Ryan doesn't like us giving his address out to people...well You know what I mean"

"Yes of course, he can't have just anybody arriving on his door step" There was something sinister in the man's smile as he took he number from Eddie "This will do nicely, thank you"

Eddie was a little less comfortable in this stranger's company now. He was happy to see the back of him.

Once the man had disappeared Eddie quickly dialled Ryan's cell number. It rang and rang "Come on Ryan pick up" Eddie spoke under his breath.


Ryan's phone vibrated on the kitchen side, Eddie's name on the screen.

4 Missed Calls lit up the screen.

Ryan and Tasha were still upstairs, unaware of what was about to unfold...

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