I Miss Him </3

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Chap-tahh Ninee!!

The girls are at the foster home.

(In Momo and Lex's room)

Lex: Mo, what time is it?

Momo: *looks at clock in between their beds* 9:55

Lex: Ugh!!

Momo: It'll be okay Lex. It should be over before you know it.

Lex: I know it's just I hate how he does this to us.

Momo: I know. Maybe one day we'll get married and can leave this place forever!

Lex: For real! When I leave columbia, I'm not looking back!

Momo: I know right!

(They hear their foster dad)

Dad: Alexis! Come here!

Momo: *gives Lex huge hug*

Lex: Love ya, sis. *walks out their room*

(She is wearing a black sports bra and red boyshorts and her hair is flat-ironed)

(In Dad's room)

Dad: Oooh! You look good! So lay on the bed and well, you know the drill.

Lex took off her clothes and let him do his "business".

Lex's Thoughts: I hate him! Who rapes their own foster daughter? If I has a daughter with Day Day, he would NEVER do this to her! I miss him so much right now.

(3 minutes later)

Dad: Ahh, I'm done babygirl. Now get the hell out.

Lex grabbed her clothes and went into the bathroom as fast as a rabbit! She put her clothes on and started crying.

After a few minutes, she hurried into bed when she noticed her phone light was blinking.

Lex: What the--- *opens her phone and notices the home screen*

--New Text from: Day Day<3--

She read the text and it said:

Hey Lex! I miss you already! Lol it's been an hour but I honestly do. I truely do think I'm in love tho. Wanted to tell you that :) But I gotta big day 2maro so goodnight beautiful <3 Dashawn

A tear shed down Lex's face and she started talking to herself.

Lex: (whisper) I think I'm in love too.

Momo: (half-asleep) huh? *rubbing her eyes*

Lex: Nothin', go to sleep sis.

Momo: *lays head on pillow*

Lex: I can't wait 'till tomorrow. *goes to sleep*

That's all for now folks!

<3333 Calesha

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