Always be there for him

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Otabek Altin x Reader

Requested By: NIR3isnotdeadyet

Reader's P.O.V

Y/N = your name

"Otabek Altin, the Hero of Kazakztan , placed third at World's for his senior debut. But I'm sure everyone is impressed with Viktor Nikiforov's 5th consecutive wi-"

I shut off the television with a sigh. I was really hoping for Otabek to win, especially after the friendly call he took from me before he had to go out onto the ice. He sounded like he actually smiled from the encouragement I was giving him. It wasn't always that he accepted it but I could tell he was nervous and I will always be there to hold him up and keep him standing tall.

The news didn't seem to have anything on the whereabouts of Otabek and he wasn't picking up his cell phone when I tried to call. I only hoped he was safe and didn't take this whole thing to bad. I was broken from my thoughts when I heard a knock on my apartment door. It was late at night... No one should've been visiting me at this time.

I cautiously walked to the door and looked through the peep-hole, revealing a distinct figure turned away from the door. Dark brown hair shaved to a buzz cut while the top of his head head grown out hair. A very familiar figure skating jacket hung on his shoulders that tipped off the fact that he was finally back home.

Throwing the door open, I quickly wrapped my arms around him in a tight hug. "Otabek!" I cried out happily. "You're back!" I finally had my best friend and house(apartment?)mate back. "I thought you were going to be gone a lot longer..."

I heard and felt the chuckle that only I was ever graced with. "Well... I can't go any further this season."

"I heard..." I whispered. "But it's alright. You did great! I was cheering for you so much that the neighbors issued a noise complaint." I laughed at the memory. "But it was worth it... I'm so proud of you!"

He sighed and nodded, moving out of my loosened grasp. "Can I please come in?" I instantly moved out of the way and watched as he walked passed me, dragging his luggage with him. "Y/N... I need to talk to you about something..."

I grabbed his luggage with a frown but nodded and placed it in the doorway to his room before sitting on the couch. "You can talk to me about anything."

Otabek took a seat beside me and turned to stare at my eyes. "When I was out on the ice... I couldn't stop thinking of you... I couldn't stop thinking of your smile, your eyes, the way you laugh, how you talk in your sleep, how cute you look in the morning... How you always greet me when I come home..." I tilted my head in confusing before he continued. "It was then that I realized I was missing something in my life...  I was missing someone like you as a girlfriend..."

"Otabek..." I whispered as my eyes widened. At that point both of us were blushing deeply.

"I love you, Y/N... More than you could ever imagine... I want to stay with you forever... I want us to travel the world together..." He took my hands and pulled me close. "Y/N, please be my girlfriend. I promise I'll take good care of you from now on."

I gasped and tried to form words. I had always thought all he wanted for me to be was a best friend to fall on. But the moment I nodded and he leaned down to give me a soft kiss, I knew that I will stay there to keep him standing on his feet. I will be beside him as he wins or looses. I will be there by the rink as he skates his heart out. I will be there at the kiss and cry to kiss or cry with him. I will always be there for him and in this moment, I knew that he would always be there for me.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2017 ⏰

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