It’s really boring Zayn finds out minutes later, the silence – aside from the loud snores from Niall, which the Irishman always denies producing – starting to bug him so he shoots Liam a quick text asking if wants to hang out. He gets an immediate response of: why don’t you hang out with Louis since you’re so fond of him and it isn’t what he’s expecting back, not even in the slightest.

Z: What’s your problem?

L: Piss off Zayn

Zayn scoffs down at his phone screen, and yeah, maybe he should hang out with Louis instead, so he does.


Turns out he doesn’t hang out with Louis, because its already noon and Zayn’s stomach is growling, so he heads to the campus cafeteria. The food being served though looks anything but appetizing, and the smell coming from whatever the hell it was kills his appetite, so he settles with buying a bag of potato crisps and sits off in the far corner. He gets a few crisps into his stomach when he sees Liam walking past with an empty plate, all smiles and giggles as some guy Zayn has never seen before walks with him, nearly hip-to-hip.

Now Liam’s eyeing the kid like he’s a piece of meat, and for some reason there’s a deep twinge of jealously in Zayn’s chest. He can’t explain it because yeah, he likes Liam, but he doesn’t like likehim. He doesn’t really like likeanyone for that matter. He’s just so use to the quick glances Liam gives him, the bashful smiles when Zayn touches his skin, the way he bites his lower lip and squirms in his seat when Zayn teases him with sexual banter.

But then Zayn keeps staring at Liam – which is a huge mistake – because then Liam turns around and locks eyes with him, a lopsided smirk forming on his lips. He turns back to the mystery guy and leans in so he’s right up against him, whispering something in his ear with a dirty grin. The guy’s cheeks start to burn like the burn in Zayn’s chest, turning bright pink as he looks down shyly, trying to avoid Liam’s gaze.

When Liam turns back around, all he sees is a crumpled bag of crisps lying on the table.


By late Monday afternoon, all of Niall’s belongings – which isn’t much – are packed in boxes along a wall in the dorm hallway. He only takes what he needs (a couple of pairs of clothes, his phone, etc) and packs it into the suitcase he’s sharing with Harry.

Harry still doesn’t know what he’ll do about the courses he’s taking, all of his advisors telling him to switch to online college so he’ll still manage to keep his grades and graduate successfully while he’s gone, and the choice is slowly starting to become an only option.

Niall calls back the woman named Janice to confirm that he’s coming to the meeting, and Niall nearly chokes on his own spit when she tells him that he’ll be flying out to LA in a private jet.

“Its all thanks to Mr. Smith, he always wants the best for his clients,” she says cheerfully on the other end of the line, Niall can practically hear the fake smile in her voice. 

“Well uh, tell him thanks, I guess,” Niall mumbles, following Harry out to the car.

“Will do, Mr. Horan! Have a wonderful flight!”




“Yeah, bye to you too,” Niall mutters back, shoving his phone into his pocket.

He feels Harry’s arms slip around his waist and he automatically melts into him, taking in his warmth and smell and everything that’s just Harry. He feels him place a soft kiss on his shoulder, and so he returns one back on Harry’s cheek.

“Thank you,” Niall says, dipping down to kiss him on the lips.

“For what?” Harry asks, giggling as Niall leaves little kisses all over his face.

“For falling in love with me.” 

A/N: Hiiii! Just wanted to let you know that the next two or three updates might take a couple more days than usual to be posted because I’m in the middle of moving into a new house, which really sucks because its taking away a lot of my writing time, and I’d hate to disappoint you guys. But anyway, make sure to vote and comment! Love you all so much :) x

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