Chapter 4: Not in Vain

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It was a warm morning. The sun had barely risen, and the birds just began chirping. I walked to my window and looked outside, sighing as I yawned. That morning seemed just like the others. How was I to know what was to come?
Taking in a breath of fresh air I exited my room and knocked on my grandfathers bedroom door.

He called to me from the kitchen, "Already up and made tea Phoxie!" So I then walked to the kitchen and sat down, sipping my tea. "How is your sword skills coming along?" He asked me. I wasn't a talker in the morning, so I simply shrugged.

"Fur color transformations?" Once again I gave him a shrug.

"Tome casting skills..." he seemed slightly annoyed that time, but I once again shrugged. He simply shook his head and growled under his breath, "You'll never see them again if you don't work your hardest damnit!"

My eyes widened and filled with tears, we haven't spoken of them for nearly a year. I didn't want to think about them, talk about them, I wish I never even knew them. "Where do you have the right to say that?!" I yelled while standing up, my voice cracking slightly. "You don't have any idea how much it hurts to remember them. You can't understand how much that pains me..." my clenched fists slowly formed into flat, limpy paws. I felt my legs grow weak and begin to drop me to my knees. I stared at the floor, watching my tears drop onto the wood floor.

My grandfather gasped and tried to comfort me, reaching for my arm. I pulled it away from him and scooted backwards, trembling from sorrow. "Phoxie I...I'm sorry...I didn't mea-"

"Don't...just don't..." I interrupted as I bit my lip. I wanted to say I hated him, or something stupid and childish such as that. However, I knew that wouldn't get either of us anywhere. We just sat on the floor, he stared at me while I stared at the floor. My tears flowed down my cheeks like two small waterfalls.

They don't care...why does he care that I see them again...What's the point in training this much...What's the... "WHAT'S THE POINT OF ANYTHING!?" I shouted as loud as I could, sobbing in my arms for the first time in at least a year. Tears have been shed, but no sobs have occurred in that long.

My grandfather slowly and gently picked me up and held me in his arms. He pressed me against his chest and held my head on his shoulder. He always let me bite down on his shoulder when I was feeling this way, for whatever reason it made the pain go away faster. I continued to cry for nearly an hour, that's about the time I grew drowsy and passed out in his arms. I don't hate my grandfather...I never did. He knew me too well, knew everything that makes me happy and everything that makes me feel better when I'm sad, even all the ways to comfort me when I needed it. Every time I passed out in his arms he would lay on the couch with me on top of him and rubbed my ears. He always could tell when I needed time alone and when I needed someone near most.

    I woke up later that day to the scent of cinnamon buns, of corse my grandfather wasn't laying under me anymore because he was making them but he knew they always made me feel better. I went to the kitchen that afternoon and hugged my grandfather from behind, he knew I was apologizing and just pat my paws that rested on his tummy. He turned around and put a bun in my maw, smiling as I chewed it.

    It was peaceful, silent, even perfect. Or so I thought...

Instants later there was a loud banging on the door. My grandfather pulled me to an area behind the bottom shelf of the bookshelf, behind the books. I stayed there with my rapier and tome, this was the hiding place for them. I changed my fur color to purple and blue so I was nearly as dark as the area around me. I watched as he opened the door, there were two men wearing strange helmets that concealed their faces.

"How can I help you two fine gentlemen??" My grandfather casually asked.

The two men looked down at him and one spoke to the other, "He fits the description...the kid has to be here..."

My grandfather cleared his throat to get their attention, "I fit what description? Has a child gone missing?" He acted so casually during this situation but I could tell it was an act. He was nervous and he had every right to be.

"Yes, he's a young fox with the same fur style as you..." the same guy stated.

"Perhaps you've seen him?" The other guy asks, "Or maybe you're keeping him in protection..."

I covered my mouth to keep myself silent, why would people be looking for me? Is this the danger my parents were trying to keep away from me?

"I haven't seen any children here good sirs, but for your efforts and hard work so far how does a cup of tea sound?" He turned around and tried to lead them to the kitchen, only to be followed with a strange, handheld device pressed to his back.

The man holding the strange weapon to his back chuckled, "Good acting old man...tell us where the kid is or you die like he will."

My grandfather looked down and sighed, "I've lived a good life, death no longer fears me. Do you think I'm that insolent though? Even if I gave him up you two would put the bullet in my head anyways." He was starting to laugh as he spoke, "You bastards are all the same, you'll never catch that boy. He's smarter and stronger than all of you combined will ever be."

The other guy sighs and puts his weapon to my grandfather's head as well, "It didn't have to be this way old man, but hey at least I get to try out my new gun." Laughs started to leave the helmet-wearing men's mouths as they cocked they're guns.

So that's a gun...the evil weapon used by the snakes and scum of this planet...

"Phoxie if you can hear me, know you can beat these assholes. You're strong, talented and intelligent. My boy...I love-" before he could finish that last sentence the two men fired their guns, making two loud bangs.

I ran out of my hiding place with my rapier and tome at my sides, tears rushing down my face. "Grandpa!" I sobbed as I hugged his limp, bloody body. The two men were laughing hysterically as they watched me, pointing their guns down at me.

"Well would you look at that, the kid made this job way simpler that we thought," one said to the other.

I stared at them with tear filled eyes as they began a short conversation. "Hey," the other replied, "why don't we have some fun before we finish the job?"

One leaned down and put a finger under my chin, smirking into my eyes, "What's the matter little guy? Grampy's dead? That's such a shame..." His laughing returns while his gun points down at my grandfather's dead body and fires a bullet. "Oops! My finger slipped!"

The other guy shoots at the dead body as well while laughing, "Sorry my hands are sweaty."

I sat there, frozen as they nearly unloaded a whole magazine of ammunition into my dead grandfather.

Grandpa.. Who are these people... Why are they shooting when you're already dead... I must... This won't end here...

They aimed they're guns at me, the laughing continuing. "End of the line for you kid, say hi to your Gramps fo-"

Before the man could finish his sentence my rapier drove through his neck, causing him to cough up some blood and fall over to bleed out. "" I mumbled when pulling the rapier out.

"What the hell?!" The other guy yelled and fired at me, missing his shot because of his panicked state.

"Grandfather..." I gripped my rapier tighter, "YOU WON'T DIE IN VAIN!" I shouted, stabbing the mans torso area multiple times. The other guy hadn't been dead yet and tried to point his gun at me, but before he was able to do so I stomped on his hand and pointed my rapier down at him. "Tell Satan hi for me..." I blankly stated before smashing his skull with my foot. in peace, knowing you shall be avenged...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2017 ⏰

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