A Dream?... Or Real Life?...

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Mark woke up looking at the ground. He groaned as he lifted himself up. He looked at the bed he fell from to see Jack sound asleep. Chica on the other hand was looking at him, stunned like she had seen a ghost. She seemed to be looking behind him actually.
Mark noticed this and turned around. That was were he messed up. A creature, or a human... He seemed to be bugging out in parts of his body. He wore a blue shirt and had blue hair. It spoke in sputters and smiled.
"Hell-o MarK." He said moving closer. Mark instinctively moved backwards. He knew he would hit the bed but he never did. He looked back to see nothing but darkness. He turned once more to see the man right in front of him smirking.
"We're Do yOu thInK youR g-going?"the man asked coming closer. Mark took in a breath.
"Your not Dark... Usually Dark is the one to do this..." Mark said gulping. The mans body glitched.
"Let's jUst Say hE haS a VVVirUs.." The man said. His hand then turned into pixels and ran straight through Marks heart. Mark coughed as he looked up at the man. The last thing he said was.
"And hE wolNt be baCk for A WhiLe..."
Mark then woke up. He lifted himself out of bed and looked around the room. He was in his room, yes, but Jack wasn't their. Nether was Chica.
Confused Mark got out of bed. All he was in was his Markiplier pants and shirt. He opened up the door to smell something burning. He saw smoke rising to the ceiling.
"What?" Mark thought to him self as he ran to the kitchen. He was then greeted by Chica eating burnt bacon off the ground and Jack panicking trying to cook. Mark chuckled as he watched the little Irish man spill baking powder on himself.
"Need a little help their Jack?" Mark laughed. Jack jumped as he turned around. He sneezed before he talked.
"M-Mark!" He said panicking once again. Marks face went from funny to concern.
"Why are you up? Your still sick." He said walking up to him and feeling his forehead. It was burning up. Mark sighed and picked Jack up once more. Jack tried to protest but gave up.
"You need to be in bed little Jackaboy." He said sighing. He then walked up the stairs and put Jack in bed.
"Now u stay their and rest. If you do that you will be better tomorrow, after all you do have healing powers. We both do." He said pulling the covers over him. Jack looked at him pouting.
"I don't wana feel useless..." He said crossing his arms.
"Nether Does Cry but look at him he's sick to." Mark said as he kissed Jack on the forehead. Before Jack could say anything else Chica ran into the room. She jumped on the bed and laid on Jack, making sure he wouldn't move.
"Good girl Chica." Mark said rubbing her ears. Jack on the other hand was not amused.
"Ok I refuse to be by myself, so tell me how you found her and how long you have had her, NOW." Jack said sitting up looking at Mark. He tried to act mad and tough but to Mark he looked like a little kid waiting for a story. Mark nodded and sat down.
"Well it all started when we first moved in..." The memory started.
5 months ago.
"Heya Jack, I'm going to go look out in the woods ok!" Mark yelled as he ran out side. He could hear Jack laughing from the end of the house.
"OK! Just don't get eaten by a bear!" Jack yelled back chuckling. Mark nodded to himself and ran out side. Of course he closed the door but he was really excited to see the woods. He kept running till he was far enough into the forest.
"God someone should make a video game about this. It should be call 'A Forest', or Maybe 'The Forest' with like cannibals or somthin." He said to himself as he walked around. It was beautiful, with the sun shining through the trees and what not. Mark noticed this and sighed. He loved being out in places like this. He also hatted city life.
While Mark was day dreaming and what not he didn't notice the small creature that was following him.
"Wow the heck is this." Mark said to himself as he entered a scraped up part of the forest. The trees had scratches all over them and seemed to have black leaves. That's when it happened. A loud snap and whimper. Mark of course jumped at this and turned around. He saw the light shining on what seemed to be a large branch on the ground. But what surprised him most was the small pup that was stuck under it.
"Holy..." Mark said as he rushed to the pups aid. All he got was a cute growl. Mark didn't care though, he reached for the branch and lifted it off the little thing. He did get bit but it didn't draw blood. Before the pup could run away Mark grabbed it by the scruff. It wasn't wounded so Mark wasn't woried.
"So your the little thing that's been following me huh?" He said smiling. He then sat down and cradled the small dog in his arms. It relaxed almost immediately long enough for Mark to see its gender.
"Female... Well who the heck would leave a small little lady in the forest!?" He said to himself trying to make a joke. He then decided to care for this dog. Feeding her everyday and loving her. Soon enough he named her after her reaction to chicken. Chica... That seemed like a good name...

"So that's what happened." Mark finished his story. Jack was asleep and Mark was left their talking to himself. Mark sighed and got up. He thought he would wake Jack up after he finished breakfast. Of course he did just that and sat in the same room once again with Jack sipping on some soup. That's when it happened. A call from Felix. Usually it would be about "work" and stuff but it wasn't this time.
"Hello?" Mark asked
"Mark we have a problem."
"What is it, did something happen?"
"Well you could say that... But the problem is with you and Jack."
"What's wrong with us?"
"Well we did scans around your area and it seems that their is a virus in you computer systems and stuff. Specifically Google and Bing..."
"Do we need to come in? Because if we do we cant, Jack is sick and-"
"You don't need to come in yet and yes we know about the dog Jack told us about it. He even sent a selfie of himself and her.
"Of course he did." Mark said looking at Jack who shrugged. Mark then finished the call and looked at Jack. He seemed to be turning yellow but Mark rubbed his eyes and sighed. Jack was normal and so was he... So was he...

Hope you all liked this part! I know that theirs not a lot of action but stay tuned! I don't know why I put Jack and Chica but it's so CUTE

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