Author Note & Promo Of His Lust Or Love

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how are you all?
actually I know u all r waiting for my FF's

"His Lust Or Love" & "My True Love"

but as I said before that "His Lust Or Love" is about to end so I would like to tell u something more... I've decided that the next episode of "His Lust Or Love" which is Episode 55 will be the last episode...

OK OK now please don't be angry on me thinking I'll end it in hurry... no no I won't... so the real thing is that I'll show everything in one part.... like engagement, sangeet, haldi, mehndi and finally shadi but with details... so I might took some days since it'll be the longest part ever in my writing history... so how's the idea of it tell me your views and if not and just say it simply because I'm gonna go with majority... one more thing for ur excitement I'm giving u little promo of the last episode...



(Promo Of His Lust Or Love)

Sanskar is sitting n stage while Swara is coming down for engagement.... gadodia family was serving the guest as Sanskar as given them the work of servants not only that but they were dressed up as servants.... Swara came and Sanskar help her sitting down... Sanskar also sat down... he smile seeing Swara while Swara blush hard... Anjali came and give rings to SwaSan... they exchanged rings and smile at each other....


so how's it frds.... now tell me what u want... small episodes or one long episode ?

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