Wisdom Teeth× Tom Holland

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Prompt- You and Tom are best friend and when you take him to finally get his wisdom teeth removed, he confesses his feelings for you while Harry records and nobody tells him that he did until months later

Warnings- language


For the longest time he liked her. Loved her. But they were just friends sadly. It was always (Y/N), Harrison and Tom everywhere they went. And it still is. But now that Tom is Spider-Man, the three of them have been known as the power trifecta. Sure, Josh or Zendaya would tag along on some occasions, but it would always have to be the three of them together. And do you know that saying like 'We only say the things we do when we're drunk because we're afraid to say it when we're sober'. Well this is one of theses situations, just in the place of alcohol, we have the ever so wonderful laughing gas.

She had finally convinced him to get his wisdom teeth removed. The only reason he hasn't yet is because he knew that she would be there with him and he wouldn't be able to control what he's saying around both her and Harry.

"Tom Holland", the dentists called and all three of them stood up and walked to the room. Tom sat down on the chair/bed thing as he was instructed to and rubbed his sweaty palms on his jeans

"Why so nervous?", she asked him, playing with his shoes

"Just...nothing", he says as he realizes that Harrison was recording and if he told her the truth before even  more of it came out later, that would follow him forever

"Alright. Now what do you have to say to your wisdom teeth?", Harry asked him, pointing the camera towards Tom's face, coming very close and invading his personal space 

"Goodbye, farewell, I wish to you good night", he sang out of tune a bit, causing you and Harrison to chuckle

Harrison and you sat in the waiting room for the remainder if the time, either making small talk or on their phones playing games or on social media posting about what was going on. Hours had past and the dentist finally came out and told the two of you that you could come and see him.

As the two of you walked in and Harrison started to record, Tom was making airplane sounds an moving his hands in the air like a toddler.

×Reader's POV×

"I'm an aroplane", he says and Harrison and I were trying so hard not to egg him on

"Hey mate. How ya feeling?", Harrison asks, turning the camera so it's facing Tom

"Like I'm an aroplane, obviously", he sasses and continues his childish hand motions

"Hey Tom", I speak up and play with his shoes like you were before he became a vulnerable quackson.

"Oh. My. Gosh. I can't  believe your actually here", he says and you chuckle

"What do you mean Tommy?"

"It's just I never thought that I would have the love of my life here with me through everything, especially this and I can't even process the fact that it's you. And it's always been you", he says and both you and Harrison's jaws drop to the ground," And it's sad to know that I'm only having the balls to tell you this just because I'm in this state and I'm sorry that I didn't tell you sooner and that I didn't tell you when I wasn't all loopy", he says and starts to cry

"OK Tom I think it's time to go, mate", Harrison says, then stops recording to put his phone away and help him walk while you stand there in utter shock. Harrison finally gets Tom on his feet and starts to walk out the door before Tom turns around

"Wait. (Y/N). I just want you to know that when I'm all fine again, that I love you are I always will. Through thick and thin. Until the day I die. I love you. And I hope you love me, too", he says and tears start to burn my eyes," thank you you've been a great audience", he says and waves to an imaginary crowd

When they finally walk out, tears start to the down my face. How could I not have know? I kept asking myself. I clean myself up, get Tom's prescription from the doctor and walk out to my car and start to drive back to the hotel the three of us are staying in. I walk into our room and see that Tom is knocked out on his bed.

"Harry. Do you think he was serious? It wasn't just a joke or anything?", I ask

"Well while he was knocked up on laughing gas, basically everything he says he processes as a fact. Even him being an airplane, or a aroplane as he called it", he says and it makes me chuckle softly,"So that means that as he was saying the he loves you, he was telling the truth", he says and I sigh in relief. 

"Well for now, we don't tell him that we know. That will only make him upset with us a little more than he is now since we were the ones who convinced him to come to this state

**3 months later**

Today is going to be a fun day. We're going to Harry's place just to hang out. It's been a while since I've seen the both of them because they were going places all around the world for Spider-Man Homecoming and I chose to stay home. I was driving towards his house and when I pulled up, they were both sitting on the front steps.

"There you are", Harry says standing up with his arms held out for me and I give him and Tom a hug 

As we walk into the house, Tom asks to use Harry's charger and he tells him that he can unplug his phone and plug his own in. I plop on the couch and wait for them to come over so I can cue up Netflix. 

"Tom, can you be a doll and order two pizzas?", I ask him and he uses Harry's phone

Netflix finally loads and Tom walks back into the room

"How long until they get here?", Harry asks but Tom is still staring at the phone screen 

"I was going to find the picture that you took of all three of us a few months ago to send it to my phone, but I found this video of when I got my wisdom out. Do you recall this?", he asks and my blood rushes to my face as Harry's jaw slightly drops.

"Y-yes", I say standing up slowly

"And you recall me saying what I said?", he asks not breaking to intense eye contact that he was not breaking any time soon

"Yes", I say but it's barely audible. 

"That's just great", he says and storms out of the house, dropping the phone on the couch


I ate 6 slices of pizza. Stress eating is never good

"Do you have any idea of where he would be?", Harry asks and I think as hard as I can

"Yup", I say standing up, getting a plate and the last 2 slices of pizza and wrapping it in foil. 

"Should I come with?"

"No. I think it should just be me that talks to him about this", I say grabbing one of Harry's over-sized jackets along with Tom's because it get chilly around here at night 

I walk out the door and start to walk towards the park we used to hang out at. I walked over to to the swings where he was sitting all by his lonesome.

"Why did you come here. You know I'd be fine if you just didn't say it back", he says with his hands gripping each chain and his head hung low. I walk over and sit on the ground in front of him.

"Well one, I brought you a jacket because it's chilly, two I brought you some pizza because you were just starving 10 minutes ago, and three", I take a deep breath and lift his chin to connect my lips with his,"I finally wanted to say it back. I love you Tommy, I'll never stop loving you until the day I die"

He looks into my eyes, looks away and gives a dorky smile then looks back. "You don't know how much I've wanted to hear you say those words", he chuckles and reconnects our lips, causing us to make out for a few minutes.

"Now imagine if you were actually an airplane, you wouldn't even be able to kiss me and or tell me any of this"

"Um it's an aroplane. Get it right", we laugh at the jokes as we begin to walk back to Harry's place, hand in hand.

Marvel ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora