Part 2: Coffee

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Quick AN: Holy shit people are actually reading this?!?!? Thank you!

Rain pounds onto the roof of the house, I've got to go to school today, which sucks but not for the whole day. I've got an appointment with the doctor halfway during the day, which is better than school.

I push off my duvet and get up. I live with my single 'mom' in a small apartment, she's nice but sometimes she brings home guys that are drunk off their asses and I struggle to fall asleep. I can smell miso soup being made in the kitchen, I'm not in the mood to eat anything though. My uniform is folded neatly on a chair across the room, I walk over and grab my shirt. I lay it on my bare chest and pull it over my head slowly, as if still in slumber.

Once I'm finished dressing I go to lie down in the comfort of my bed again, it doesn't feel as comfortable as before but it's still warm. The sound of rain on the roof is soothing, almost making me forget about the hell that I have to visit today. I start to think about yesterday on the bus, and how I would've had a chance to sit next to Mikaela Hiromi, to feel his warmth against mine, and his skin against my own, but then I realise...

I'm just another stranger to him.

Another random body of blood and bones, passing by on the street. Just another customer he serves, just a stranger.
But I'm determined to change that.

I walk over to the wall where my charger is charging my phone, when I unplug the cable phone the phone a bright '07:48' shows on the screen. I've got 12 minutes until I need to be at school. The bus will be at the stop in 2 minutes, which means I've got to leave now.


My breath is ragged and a small band of sweat is starting to form at my forehead, I've made it just in time for the bus. I chose to sit in the seat that Mikaela sat in yesterday, hoping somehow that it would strengthen our 'bond' even though we're just strangers. I wonder what he thinks about me. Does he notice how I visit the cafe almost everyday? Does he notice how I always sit at the same table?

Eventually the bus stops at the stop that's closest to school and I hop off, along with a few other kids that coincidentally catch the same bus as me to school everyday.

I don't have any friends at school, never have, never will.

But, there is this weird 'popular' girl that's always giving me glances, she dyed the tips of her hair purple a few days ago and got told of by Mr. Ichinose (principal) for it. She's always with this tall boy with peachy pink hair and a blonde girl that wears twin tails everyday. They're their own little 'squad'. I try to avoid socialising though.

I walk into the classroom quietly, staring at the ground trying to avoid any eye contact. My desk is by the window, which is great, because half of the time in class I'm staring outside instead of listening.

Soon enough class starts and everyone falls into silence. Rain is the only noise that can be heard until the teacher starts talking, "Good morning class, your tasks are on the digi-classroom."

I don't see the point of teachers when all of our tasks are online, I don't even see the point of going to school if we could just stay at home and do the work digitally.


Soon enough the class is over and we allowed to leave to our next class. I close my laptop gently and tuck it into my bag, but before my laptop is halfway into the bag a hand stops it.

In the hand is a yellow piece of paper that's been folded several times. I look up to see the face that belongs to this 'hand' and I'm surprised to see the girl with the purple hair.

"Tomorrow. Saturday Night. Come."

I'm struggling to wrap this all around my head, nothing like this ever happens to me.

"Uh sure."


Then she walks off with her little squad and I slip the yellow paper into the front pocket of my satchel. I get up from my desk and walk into the sea of students that are hurrying to their next class, I have no urgency to get to my next class though. After my next class I've got to go to the doctors.

A flash lights up the school corridors and everyone freezes for a second, like the world has been paused. Soon enough a long roar of thunder sounds and everyone is quietly whispering amongst themselves. I don't get why they're so shocked, only children get excited when this happens. Slowly, people start taking cautious steps towards their next class. As if the lightning will strike again and something horrific will happen.

Mikaela comes to my thoughts; I start to wonder how he'd react in a storm, if he would get excited or not.

I give myself a mental slap for thinking about him in this way, we're still just strangers. It's really irritating me how we're still strangers, how after all this time I'm still just a customer. He's on my mind nearly 24/7. But I, well I don't know if he thinks about me or not.


I'm half asleep right now. The teacher is busy talking about her life and her children. I'm pretty sure everyone is half asleep right now.
It's still raining, the only difference is now the rain is pouring down more than before. I have a plan to go to the 'bathroom'. So I'm just deciding when to put it to use.

"Haha! And then my youngest son fell over-"

"Miss. I need to go."


She's giving me that look that only teachers are capable of.

"To take a shit."

"You can wait."

"Miss I have an emergency."

I really don't.

I don't need to go to the bathroom at all.


She seemed defeated, but I honestly don't care.
I stand up slowly and take my bag off my chair, it's dead silent and everyone is staring at me. I walk out slowly while the teacher stabs a glare into my back.

I walk out of the classroom and head to the school cafeteria to get a coffee.

Everything is so calm, there's no students anywhere.

I walk up to the desk where the cafeteria lady stands.

"Can I have a coffee?"

"2 dollars."

Her voice is almost monotone.


She hands me a takeaway cup and I leave quietly to go stand outside.
I wonder what Mikaela is doing right now...

Quick AN again: sorry this chapter is kinda boring, I'll try making the next one more peachy ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2017 ⏰

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