Start from the beginning

Manik: Wow Nandini you seems to believe in so many things...

Nandini: and you seems to believe in nothing...

Manik: Hey i do believe in certain things okay...

Nandini: Such as?

Manik: I believe in friendship and I too believe that hard work can make anything possible...Most importantly, I believe in enjoying life a lot and the list will goes on...Okay now give me a letter...

Nandini: P

Manik: Party...I loves to go for party...

Nandini: My friend Lara too loves it but i am not so fond of it still she will drag me with her for parties...anyway continue...

Manik: M...

Nandini: Music...

Manik: You too like Music?

Nandini: Yes a lot...In fact I am music college student...

Manik: Wow that's great...In fact me too loves music a lot...It's gives me great company when I am alone during my childhood time...

Nandini: Matlab?

Manik: Actually I am the only child for my parents but my parent don't have time for me...

Nandini: WHY?

Manik: because both my dad and mom are always busy with their work and I feel very lonely at home after school and believe me music gives the great company those time...

Nandini: I too listen to music when I misses my mom so much...

Manik: Why she too didn't have time to spend with you...

Nandini: She pass away when i was 12 years old due to cancer...

Nandini said it emotionally...Manik place his hand on her hand and say...

Manik: Are you okay...Please don't cry...

Nandini: Yeah I am okay and don't worry I wont cry because i have promised my mom that i won't cry thinking of her instead I will be happy thinking about the time that i spend with her...

Manik: Wow you are such a strong girl...

Nandini just smiles faintly and check her watch...

Nandini: Manik i have to go to college...It's already late...

Manik: Okay so when is our next meeting?

Nandini: May be tomorrow evening...

Manik: Okay then and let's meet up at the famous ice- cream shop called Amorino...

Nandini: Okay Manik...bye...

Manik: Bye Nandini...

Nandini takes the yellow rose which she place on the table just now...

Nandini: and thank u for this rose...

Manik: You are welcome...



Nandini enter in...

Lara: Why are you late Nandini and why were you not even replying back my messages...

Nandini: Actually Lara i met him yesterday at the park...

Lara: You mean Manik...

Nandini: Yeah and i just run away from there when he ask my name...

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