When she laid on her bed, her phone vibrated.

You good? Rachel just got off of Skype to talk to Santana. She was a mess.

It was Quinn.

Got time to talk? I need to vent. Big time.


Santana had taken a detour and parked at the A Frame on the way down to Waikoloa. She couldn't drive anymore, let alone breathe. What did she do? She really fucked up this time. Nothing, and I mean nothing came out the way it was supposed to.

"Rachel what the fuck did I do?" They had been on the phone since Santana had left Brittany's, and all Rachel had gotten out of the convo was that Santana fucked up but she hadn't told her what happened.

"Relax San. You need to breathe and talk to me. What happened?"

"Last night, Kehau came down to the docks. She found me." That Rachel knew already. "We talked for hours. And it just felt so familiar. She already knew me. She knew that first deployment nearly killed me."

"Yeah okay? So what happened?"

"So basically what happened, Kehau had asked me to sleep over her house last night but I told her no cause that's fucked up you know? I mean, I called Britt." She sniffled. "I called her couple times actually but she never answer."

"You called her to ask if you could sleep over Kehau's?"

"Yeah.." Santana was defeated. She knew that Rachel wasn't gonna have any of that either.

She sighed. "San, what the hell? Is that why you called me last night too?" Silence once again. "San please tell me you didn't. Tell me you didn't sleep over her house."

"I didn't! I drove to Britt's and slept outside in my truck."

"Yeah but was she on the phone the entire time?"

"She was."

"Then I don't get it?, Why didn't Britt just let you inside?"

Santana sat there in silence. She knew that this convo was gonna take a turn from bad to worse. "But I wasn't on the phone with Brittany, Rach."

"Are you kidding me? You were-" Rachel paused. "You were on the phone with Kehau?"


"Santana. Remember when we were at Hi'ilawe? What the hell did I tell you?" Before she could answer, Rachel continued. "I told you to not fuck this up. But here you are, fucking it up. Do you even have any sort of idea about what you did? You probably lost all of Brittany's trust! And I told her that it would be okay if you hung out with Kehau for a while. I convinced her. Now I look just as dumb as you!"

"Eh look! Don't yell at me, Rachel. Not even you know what it was like for me when my dad first left. You only know from the auditorium and on. That's it."

"Don't even start okay San? I'm here to help you with this. But you have to understand that this is pretty fucked up. What you did is fucking wrong and you know it." Santana was clutching her phone in her hand. "You have to understand where Brittany is coming from with this. How would you feel if the table's were turned? If she was with her ex all night and she came home to you the next morning telling you the exact shit you told her?"

"I'd be pissed but I'd hear her out. That's the least I would do."

"Yeah okay that's crap and we both know it." Rachel was rolling her eyes. This wasn't her best friend.

"You guys just don't get it. You really don't."

"Explain it then!" Rachel was pissed. "Explain to me how you can so easily talk and open up to the girl who broke your fucking heart over your girlfriend and your best friend."

"This isn't about you, Rachel."

"Obviously. Because it's about Kehau. I picked your ass off of the floor after she left you Santana. And you turn around and go back to her after you find someone who's three trillion times better than her? I don't understand it. I really don't."

"Kehau was there. She was fucking there when I thought my dad was dead okay? Is that what you want to fucking hear?!" Rachel stopped talking. "He called me one night I was on Skype with Kehau. So I put him on speaker and we were all talking stories when all of a sudden, I hear a fucking explosion and the line goes dead. THERE. Is that what you need to know? She had to put me back together after that. I didn't eat for days. I didn't even go to school. It was midterms but I didn't give two shits. I thought my dad was dead Rachel. So I thought, if he's dead, then why should I live? She stopped me. And yeah that's stupid reason to not tell Brittany. But I really don't want to talk about the night. I try my best to forget about it."

"I didn't kn-"

"Yeah of course you didn't know. I don't talk about that. I don't wanna relive how I felt. I don't even wanna think about that." Santana was punching her steering wheel now. "I don't want to have to burden any of you with that stuff. I'm just gonna go."

Santana hung up the phone and threw it on the ground. She was so frustrated, with everything. With Rachel, with Brittany, with herself. She knew that talking to Brittany about everything would've made things so much easier. But it was so much to take in. With everything good that happened in her life, she just felt that God was playing with her. She could take three steps forward to only push her back five.

Trying to deal with her frustrations, she drove down Waikoloa hill towards the village.


"So what you're trying to tell me is that Santana rather talk to her ex than you? Are you serious?"

Quinn was being patient with Brittany, it wasn't a easy subject. She just wanted to keep her away from her bike.

"Yeah. I told her to leave after all of that, cause I knew I was pushing her buttons already."

Brittany was laying on her bed. None of it made any sense to her. This didn't seem like the Santana she loved. It was like she was a different person.

"Maybe I just didn't know her as well as I thought you know?"

"I don't know Britt. I told you to be careful, didn't I?"

"I thought I was being careful. I mean you seen her when you came down. I didn't think she'd do any of this."

Quinn agreed- and as their conversation went on she was trying to figure out what had changed to make Santana act this way. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary out of all the time she talked to Brittany. Until now. The deployment was a touchy subject and they both knew that.

"Hey hang on. Rach is calling." She pressed accept on Skype, and Rachel appeared on her computer. "Hey babe."

"Hey. Are you still talking to Brittany?"

"Yeah. What's up?"

"Britt- can you hear me?"

Brittany sat up now, knowing that Rachel was probably going to tell her how her convo with Santana went.

"Yeah, whats going on? What did Santana say?"

"Can you just, can you meet me at the field in about an hour?" Rachel sounded timid, and not like her usual self. "It's nothing bad, it's just.. Something you need to hear. In person."

"Yeah. I can."

"Okay. I'll let you two get back to your convo. See you soon, Britt. Love you babe." And with that, Rachel hung up.

"What the hell was that?" Quinn and Brittany were just left, in shock.

What the fuck was going on?

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