Chapter One

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Okay, before I even begin this fanfiction, I just want to say that I have never in my life attended a public school, so I apologize if I get any details wrong regarding school shit. It's also 2am, so who knows what this story is gonna end up being. 


Tyler's eyes slowly opened, the dim light of his bedside alarm clock peering in. 4:05, it read. Tyler hastily sat up, and tried not to think about anything. But it didn't work, it never did. He felt a tear roll down his cheek.

"No. You won't cry, you're not weak." Tyler said to himself.

He dragged his body out of bed, and walked into the bathroom, the light piercing his eyes as he turned it on. He looked at the reflection staring back at him, and he didn't like what he saw. All Tyler could see in his reflection were his flaws and his mistakes. He ran his hand through his hair, suddenly clenching his brunette hair in a fit of rage. At what he didn't exactly know, maybe it was because he had to go to school, maybe it was because he didn't know why he still existed. Tyler's eyes began to fill with tears.

"NO! D-don't, c-c-cry..." Tyler whispered as he began to burst into tears.

He slowly sank into the bathroom floor, his fears seemingly all around him. All Tyler could think about was hurting himself, he felt he was better off this way. Tyler rummaged through the bathroom drawers, trying to remember where he had placed his razor. Eventually, he had found the razor.

"This is what you deserve." Tyler whispered, cutting his thigh.

Tyler let out a shaky sigh as he drew the blade across his skin, satisfied at the sight of his blood surfacing. Tyler focused his mind on the pain in an attempt to make himself suffer further. He slowly stood up, placed the razor on the counter, and looked at his disgusting reflection once more. Tyler let out a scoff.

"What a pathetic sight." He mumbled to himself.

Tyler switched off the bathroom light, and clumsily made his way through the dark back to his bed. He laid himself facedown on his bed, clenching the blanket with his fists. Tyler turned his head to glance at his alarm clock once more, it read 4:18. With that, he wrapped himself in the blanket, laid his head on his pillow, and allowed himself to drift back to sleep.

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