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OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1K READS!!!!!!!!!  THIS IS AMAZING. THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH AND TAKING THE TIME TO READ MY STORY, IT MEANS SO MUCH TO ME. I know the hammer isn't all that great and I have multiple mistakes in my story but thanking you for continuing to read my story. I never expected this book to get over 1k reads to be honest but you guys prove me wrong. Thank you so much for sticking with this book seriously thank you. And thank you Juliana for helping me write it. I will start my next chapter tomorrow because it's already 11:53 and I have to wake up extra early tomorrow. Anyways thank you so much for reading again. I don't think I can stop freaking out over this, hahah. Okay I will see you soon.

Oh and if there are some questions you have for me about the book or other questions I will be happy to answer them. Okay I will see you later byeeee

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