Hayden stood in the corner, nibbling  his finger nails"Yeah but the other VKs-" "The other VKs where weak" I said, cutting him off, "Hay, your the son of freaking hell!"

"Quinn your mother use to rip people's heart out!" I said shaking Quinn's shoulder.

"And you" I said looking at Frankie, "Voodoo is your freaking middle name!" Quinn looked up at us, "Is it really?" He asked her. "Yeah It's Francesca Voodoo Shad-"

"Guys!" I said smacking them both on the head. "Focus! This our shot to make evil history! For once the good guys will not win!" I said, "You know why?"

"Because we're rotten to the core" they said together. I smirked as I put my fist out, "Long live evil?" They all put there fist in before nodding.

"Long live evil."


"Arrows? Pocket Knifes? Crossbow? Sword?" Asked my dad as he held me by the shoulders as we stood in front of the limo. I nodded, "All packed away nicely." My dad grinned, "That a girl" he then patted my shoulder as the driver opened it for me.

"You got your magic cards?" Asked the shadow man as Frankie threw in her bag, "Voodoo necklace? What about the voodoo dolls?" "Check, check and check!" She smiled as she gave her dad a hug before jumping into the limo.

"Now listen son" said Hades as he gripped Haydens shoulder, "Now im not saying that if you mess up you aren't my son. I'm just saying that if you mess up I will disown and you will never be able to rule the underworld!" Hades smiled as Hayden stared at him blankly. "Thanks dad." He mumbled as Hades patted his shoulder, "Go get em tiger." Hayden then slipped into the limo.

"Now whos mommy's little evil prince?" Cooed the Queen of hearts as she pinched Quinn's cheeks, "I am" he groaned as he tried to make his mom stop. I let out a giggle as Quinn struggled under his mother's affecttion before getting into the car.

I was about to get in when i turned and looked up the dark castle to see the Evil Queen, Jafar, and Cruela De Vil staring down at us. The Evil Queen smirked at me before mouthing, 'Don't mess up'

I nodded nervously before getting into the limo. "Whoa" I muttered as I closed the door to see all the food and drinks in the limo.

Hayden and Quinn exchanged looks before attacking the food. I let out a little groan before leaning back into my seat, "This is gonna be a long trip."


"Dude dude dude" said Quinn as he hit Haydens arm while looking at something. "It's sweet and juicy on the inside but nice and and warm on the outside" he said in amazment amazement as he stared at the red thing cover in brown.

"Let me see" said Hayden as he had a mouth full of food. Quinn opened his mouth showing off his chewed up food making me gag. "You idiot" mumbled Hayden before taking a bite out of it and his eyes widening. "What is it?"

"A chocolate strawberry" I blurted out. Frankie, Quinn and Hayden all stared at me. "What?" I muttered as i looked away from them. "How did you know that? We have never had one of these amazing things on the island" mumbled Quinn as he shoved more in his mouth. "Must have read it in a book" I mumbled and turned away. I don't know why but the thing looked so familar to me.

I shrugged it off as the limo driver through the land of Auradon. My eyes wondering to bright green leaves and very bright colorful looking towns. "I'm gonna guess that's the royal castle" I mumbled as we passed the giant castle. Jeez, how many people live in that thing?

"And here comes the school" said Frankie as we heard music and cheering and many people saying 'welcome'. Quinn pressed his face against the glass and waved to the outside.

The limo pulled up to a huge building which stood in front of it was a few people. I gripped the ring on my finger, "Show time"

Tomorrow I will probably post two chapters to fill you guys up since I will probably be only posting on Saturdays and Sundays for a while.
Until next time

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The Huntress and The Hunted 》Descendants {Jay}Where stories live. Discover now